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Vale reiterates that it has taken preventive measures for all possible scenarios in Barão de Cocais

Vale reinforces that it has adopted all preventive measures in Barão de Cocais, since February 8, with the primary objective of ensuring the safety of the region's residents. In addition to the preventive relocation of the residents in the Self-Rescue Zone, Vale has supported the authorities in performing escape drill simulations and in preparing the communities for all eventualities, with teams in a state of permanent readiness. Both the slope of the Gongo Soco mine and the Sul Superior Dam are being monitored 24 hours a day and the forecast of when part of the slope will slip is being reviewed on a daily basis. Vale reinforces that there is no technical data that can confirm whether the eventual slippage will trigger a breach of the dam. Even so, it reiterates that all preventive measures have been taken and is working closely with the authorities to provide all possible support.

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