Vale adopts home office for administrative activities as a preventive measure in several offices around the world
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Vale adopts home office for administrative activities as a preventive measure in several offices around the world
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Vale informs that, as of Monday (3/16), the company is implementing a remote working system (home office) for all eligible functions in Brazil and in the other countries where we operate. At the company's headquarters, in Rio de Janeiro, 1,800 employees can start working from home today. The recommendation is that only a minimum number of people should work at the office to maintain essential services.
The company points out that this is a preventive measure, with the objective of ensuring the safety of employees and society as a whole, reducing the circulation of people in the same environment as well as exposure to agglomerations such as in buses, subways and elevators.
Some of the company's offices in the world were already operating on a home office basis, such as China, Japan, Singapore and Switzerland. Each region has a specific regime of remote work, according to their local situation. Our office in Toronto has also started to work from home today.
Non-essential international and domestic trips are still cancelled or postponed until further notice, and the same applies for any events. A specific Preparation and Response Plan was also created for COVID-19, which establishes severity levels and well-defined actions. A structure of regional and executive committees, created especially to ensure the safety of all, is managing the actions resulting from the pandemic.
Since late January, Vale has been taking all the necessary measures to support the prevention of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) at its sites. Globally, the company is complying with the health and safety protocols established by the authorities and agencies of each country and the actions determined by the internal pandemic Preparation and Response Plan - whichever is more restrictive - and is monitoring closely the developments of the situation.
Vale has approximately 110 thousand employees and third party workers worldwide.
Media Relations Office - Vale
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