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Disclosure of material information in connection with Samarco’s judicial reorganization

Vale S.A.  ("Vale"), informs that, on this date, Samarco Mineração S.A. ("Samarco") is disclosing material non-public information that was provided under confidentiality agreements to certain creditors in connection with discussions regarding Samarco's debt restructuring.
In accordance with the judicial reorganization process ("JR"), Samarco submitted its business plan and a new debt restructuring proposal for consideration of the creditors' representatives, at a meeting on December 15th, 2021. As of this date, the parties have not reached an agreement for a consensual restructuring and according to the terms previously agreed, Samarco would have to disclose this information by December 27th, 2021. The materials and documents provided by Samarco are publicly available on Samarco's website at


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