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Vale announces shareholder remuneration

Vale informs that its Board of Directors approved, on this date, the distribution of shareholder remuneration, as interest on capital, in the total gross amount of R$0.520530743 per share1, calculated according to the balance sheet of September 30th, 2024.

The amount is distributed in anticipation of the allocation of profits for the 2024 financial year, and will be paid as part of the amount to be resolved for the second half of 2024, in line with the Shareholder Remuneration Policy. The payment date will be decided in due course and is expected to be in March 2025.

The record date for payment of interest on capital to holders of shares issued by Vale and traded on B3 will be December 11, 2024, and the record date for payment of interest on capital to holders of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) will be December 12, 2024.

Vale’s shares will start trading ex-remuneration on B3 and NYSE from December 12, 2024. Interest on capital to be paid per share may vary slightly until the record dates due to the share buyback program, which impacts the number of shares held in treasury. If applicable, the Company will release a Notice to Shareholders informing the final value per share.

1 Gross amount, subject to taxes


Media Relations Office - Vale

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