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2020. 03. 20.


Vale updates on the outbreak of the coronavirus and humanitarian support

Rio de Janeiro, March 20th, 2020 – Vale S.A. (“Vale”) informs on the first cases of infection among its employees, the humanitarian support it has offered to the Brazilian Government and the measures it is taking in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
On this date, the first two cases of Vale’s employees infected with the coronavirus were confirmed, in Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Vale has communicated both cases to the authorities and is providing all the support to the employees, who are doing well and are in domiciliary isolation.
As the largest Brazilian iron ore exporter to Asia, Vale informs that it has offered humanitarian support to the Brazilian Government through its infrastructure in the region, enabling the import of medical supplies, such as ventilators and test kits, to attend to patients infected with the COVID-19. This ongoing effort is being developed through permanent contact with the Health Authorities of the Brazilian Government.
Additionally, the company is globally implementing several measures to support the prevention of the COVID-19 and the business continuity at its sites:
• Established since January 2020 a Crisis Management structure and governance to manage and deploy the actions defined on Vale’s global COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan following each Local Risk Classification;
• Organized critical operational leadership and staff in physically isolated teams, with the adoption of the minimal contingent for safe operation, backup team and movement restriction;
• Is implementing screening points on company operation sites, limiting access to essential visitors and suppliers and preventive actions at restaurants to reduce exposure and sources of contamination
• Is planning for essential supplies, business continuity and shielding of critical sites.
• Cancelled or postponed all non-essential business trips and events;
• Instructed all Vale’s employees returning from international travels to contact the company´s health department by telephone before returning to activities, even if they do not present any of the symptoms;
• Implemented a home-office regime where no social contact is mandatory;
• Is communicating through corporate-wide webcasts and internal channels on the response plan to the Coronavirus Pandemic and necessary prevention procedures; and
• Is supporting and monitoring employees with symptoms.
The company also informs that it is complying with the health and safety protocols established by the authorities and agencies of each country it operates and is monitoring the developments of the situation closely.
Vale reaffirms its commitment to the safety of its people and the communities in which it operates and will keep investors and markets informed of future developments.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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