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Vale's Field Hospital Assists Rescued Animals

A team of 30 professionals comprising veterinarians, support staff, and volunteers is conducting the work

​Vale rented a farm to shelter the animals that are being rescued from the Brumadinho dam breach. The company also set up a second structure to admit and treat small and large animals rescued from the site. The farm turned into a field hospital has stalls and carts for cattle, a pasture area for sheep and pigs, dog fences, an area dedicated to wild animals, and a swimming pool to accommodate fish. A team of 30 professionals comprising veterinarians, support staff, and volunteers is conducting the work. Vale also set up a food and medication center that will remain in operation for as long as the animals stay in the farm. The Field Hospital will be the primary support station for all animal rescue efforts in Brumadinho.

Click here to download the video and watch the testimonial from veterinarian Mirella D'Elia, who oversees the Field Hospital installed by Vale in Brumadinho.

"We have intensive care workers and doctors on duty 24/7 to provide care to large animals. In addition, we have a washing area to receive the animals and a storage of forage, grain and feed offered daily," said Mirella D'Elia, Vale's veterinarian in charge of the Site Hospital. Up to now, 16 dogs, four birds, a bovine animal, and one cat have been admitted to the hospital. Animals arriving without major traumas and injuries receive evaluation and treatment.

One of the volunteers working at the Site Hospital is Vanessa Aguilar, law graduate and President of the NGO Arca da Fé Resgate Animal. In addition to Vanessa, who is a member of the Animal Welfare Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association of the city of Bauru, São Paulo, the team comprises eight more volunteers dedicated to rescue and admission of animals to the shelter. "We are here to help handle the animals, given our experience in this kind of activity," she stressed out.

The intensive care unit is equipped with devices to monitor heart and blood pressure, as well as the respiratory function. Vale acquired two mechanical ventilators for the most serious cases. "We have a blood bank to perform interventions in animals bleeding due to blood loss or blood disorders", explained Alessandro Martins, veterinarian and volunteer at the site.

Approximately 40 professionals are working to rescue the local fauna on both banks of the Paraopeba river. The action is coordinated by Vale's team of biologists in partnership with the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine, which has mobilized volunteers to assist in the admission and care of rescued animals at the Site Hospital. The task force comprises veterinarians, biologists and assistants - including Vale employees, volunteers, and advisors.
If you have any information about animals at risk and rescued animals, please call Vale at 0800 0310831 (Alô Brumadinho), 0800 285 7000 (Alô Ferrovias) e 0800 821 5000, or contact the Fire Service.

To read the latest info, go to vale.com/brumadinho


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