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2024. 09. 20.

Investors, People

Vale informs on the nomination of Board members

Following press releases dated March 11 and July 1, 20242, Vale informs that the Board of Directors approved the nomination of Heloisa Belotti Bedicks and Mr. Reinaldo Castanheira Filho for the vacant positions of independent members of the Board of Directors. The selection was performed with the support from the consulting firm Korn Ferry and in compliance with the Company’s Bylaws and the provisions of the Directors Policy3, as well as with applicable legislation.

▪ Mrs. Heloisa Belotti Bedicks is a Brazilian economist and accountant with solid experience in corporate governance. She is a member of the Fiscal Council of TIM, the Board of Directors of the Mapfre Group and the Audit Committee of Brasilseg and Gasmig. She voluntarily serves as a member of the Fiscal Council of Fundação Boticário, the UN Global Compact and the Deliberative Council of the NGO Portas Abertas in Brazil. She was a member of Vale's Fiscal Council and General Director of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC), e latter for 18 years. Among other positions, she was a member of the Board of Directors of BNDES until January 2023, as well as of the Fiscal Council of Braskem and the Advisory Council of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). She holds a master’s degree in financial administration from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, a bachelor’s degree in economics from Unicamp and in Accounting Sciences from PUC Campinas, a specialization in corporate governance from Yale University and Stanford University and in Boards of Directors from Chicago University.

▪ Mr. Reinaldo Castanheira Filho is a Brazilian economist with a solid professional career in the mining industry. He held several executive positions in the Vale group, including CEO of the Aluminum business, CFO of Manganese business and Director of Investment Analysis. He was also CFO at Ferrous and previously worked at PWC and Coca-Cola. He was a member of the Board of several companies in Brazil. Reinaldo holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from PUC-MG and has had executive training at several global business schools
The Board of Directors will submit the nomination proposal to the Extraordinary General Meeting, which is expected to be held in November 2024 (“Meeting”), with the call notice to take place in due course. Only after being elected at the Meeting, the new members will take office and serve the unified term of office of the current Board of Directors’ composition, that is, until the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2025.


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