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Vale states Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams

​Vale states that all its dams have a Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM, Plano de Ação de Emergência de Barragens de Mineração), being in compliance with the Brazilian law. This plan is based on technical studies of hypothetical situations in case of dam breach. The PAEBM foresees what will be the flooding area and also the self-saving zone.

In compliance with Ordinance DNPM 70.389/2017, the PAEBM of Feijão Mine's Dam 1, in Brumadinho, was registered in the Town Hall of Brumadinho and in the Federal and State Civil Defense on Jyly, August and September 2018. The dam had all applicable stability statements and was constantly audited by external and independent companies. There were biweekly inspections, which were reported to the Brazil's National Mining Agency. The last one was carried out on 21/12/2018. The dam was also inspected on January 8th and 22nd, 2019, which was registered by Vale's monitoring system.

All these documents have always been and still are available for the authorities. Dam 1 had a video monitoring system, an emergency warning system with sirens and the registration of all downstream population. An external emergency response training was conducted on June 16th, 2018, coordinated by the Civil Defense and supported by Vale. Also, internal training with employees was carried out on October 23rd, 2018.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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