
menu-img-alt vale-wave
Photographer: Ricardo Teles
Photographer: Willian Abreu

Vale's activities and the mining industry in general involve social impacts on several fronts.

Therefore, we invest in actions that produce a positive legacy and enhance opportunities in the places where we operate. We believe that building a relationship of quality and trust with communities is done through partnership and dialogue, and therefore, we carry out actions and projects that contribute to the sociocultural appreciation and economic development of the territories.

Reparation Day by Day

Repair every day and build the future together. Access our accounts and find out more.

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Human Rights 

For all its extension and complexity, Vale's operations demand numerous challenges in the area of ​​Human Rights.

Acting in the most remote areas of the country, presents a reality of social public policies not always fully present. Strong action and an intersectoral approach are needed to enable complex and systemic problems to be tackled. That's why the company is committed to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and to alignment with international principles and standards. 
Imagem placeholder Imagem placeholder Photographer: Márcia Foletto

Relationship with communities 

Our operating model is based on the management of risks and impacts on communities, promoting a positive social legacy and territorial development, through the empowerment of the communities in which we operate. 

Learn more about our relationship with communities 

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Our People 

More than 185,000 people work directly or indirectly in Vale's businesses.

Taking care of our people is our primary commitment, acting to eliminate accidents, support the development of competences, promote an environment open to dialogue and maintain remuneration compatible with the complexity of each role. 

Photographer: Cristiano Xavier

Health and Safety 

Life Matters Most.

The motto guides all our actions and operations from the beginning to the end of a working day. It bases the application of techniques for the full identification of hazards and risk assessment, combined with an assertive management of its barriers, both preventive and mitigating. 

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities 

To mine, you have to respect. Therefore, we work with a focus on constructive, mutually beneficial relationships, based on respect for cultural diversity and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities that live in or use these territories for their traditional practices. 

Photographer: Willian Abreu

Social Investment 

As part of our commitment to social development, we have made several socio-economic investments in the territories where we operate.

In addition, we invest in initiatives that contribute to the development of society as a whole.  

Photographer: Diego Cardoso