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Photographer: Vitor Nogueira
Photographer: Vitor Nogueira

Vale in Pará

In Pará, we own the largest mining complex in Brazil, representing the largest private investment ever made in the country in the second decade of the 20th century.

The S11D includes mine, plant, rail and port logistics and has brought a new drive to the economic and social development of the region. Our iron ore production can be found at our Serra Norte, Serra Leste and Serra Sul units. In Serra Norte, in addition to iron, we also produce manganese. The production of copper and nickel is carried out at the Sossego, Salobo and Onça Puma mines. 

Vale just one message away!

At Vale, we value every opinion, suggestion, compliment or criticism, because we know that these dialogues are fundamental to our growth in partnership with the communities where we operate. That's why we work to make everyone feel welcome and safe to communicate with us, with the certainty that their voices will always be heard and taken seriously. 

With Vale + Comunidade, we've created a space to bring together all the ways you can get in touch with us. Whether it's to discuss local issues, suggest improvements, or resolve doubts, we have a series of dedicated channels to serve you with attention and respect. 

In addition, we will soon be launching “Talk to Vale”, an initiative that brings our listening channels to you, through door-to-door visits in local communities. Our promoters, identified with campaign materials, will be ready to answer your questions, always with respect, empathy and information.

Vale Balance +

Frist half of 2023

Our commitment to protecting the environment permeates the way we operate. This edition highlights our efforts to protect the Amazon.

The Carajás Forest Mosaic is an example of how we coexist in a balanced way with the biodiversity that surrounds us. Approximately 60% of all Vale’s iron ore comes from this region, despite the fact that our operations only occupy 2% of the area.

Thanks to investments in technology, we are achieving increasingly sustainable mining.

In the full report you can see how we are achieving this goal through initiatives and partnerships.

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Visit Vale regardless of where you are

Our initiatives 

Browse the tabs and learn more about our actions in the region

Photographer: Ricardo Teles


Vale Amazon Biopark 

Located in the Carajás National Forest, the Vale Amazon Biopark is a reference in the work of protecting species and promoting environmental knowledge. The space has 30 hectares of native forest, which allows more than 270 animals to move around freely, including birds, agoutis and monkeys in the visitation areas. In the last 10 years, more than 1.1 million people have visited the site. 

Photographer: Anderson Souza

Carajás National Forest

Since 1985, when Vale started its operations in Carajás, we have helped take care of the Carajás National Forest, one of the richest regions in Brazil and in the world in terms of biodiversity. Our concession area covers approximately 411 thousand hectares of preserved forest and we occupy only 1.4% of this amount. 

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Our Operation

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Serra Norte – Carajás

At the Carajás/Serra Norte mineral complex, in the municipality of Parauapebas, we have the largest open pit iron ore mine in the world and we have achieved the highest level of iron purity and minimum concentration of contaminants in the product. Currently, the complex is responsible for 150 million tonnes of iron per year
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Serra Sul Unit S11 D

Located in Canaã dos Carajás, in southeastern Pará, S11D is the largest mining complex in Vale's history. The operation integrates productivity with respect towards people, technology and environmental intelligence. Serra Sul is providing solutions such as the truckless system, which replaces traditional off-road trucks with conveyor belts, reducing diesel consumption by around 70%, and the ore beneficiation process with natural humidity, eliminating the need for water. With this, we reduced water consumption by 93%, as well as reducing energy consumption and eliminating the use of a tailings dam.
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Salobo Unit

The Salobo mine, in Marabá, southeastern Pará, is classified as a world-class copper deposit. This means that we have a mineral reserve of 1.15 billion tonnes of copper. The operation integrates open pit mining, processing, transport and shipment from the road, at the mine, to the bus terminal in Parauapebas (PA).
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Sossego Unit

Located in the municipality of Canaã dos Carajás, this operation, which began in 2004, currently ranks as Vale's top copper mine. The unit reuses 99% of all the water used in its production process, which represents an annual saving of 900 thousand cubic meters of water, enough to supply a city of 25 thousand inhabitants for six months. 
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Onça Puma Unit 

We are the largest global producer of nickel, one of the most versatile metals in the world. It was at the Onça Puma mine, in Ourilândia do Norte, Pará, that this operation began in 2011.
Photographer: Salviano Machado

Serra Leste Unit

The Serra Leste mine, in the municipality of Curionópolis, started its operations in 2014 and uses the dry beneficiation process (natural moisture), ensuring lower consumption of water and energy, reducing operating costs and environmental impact.
Photographer: Salviano Machado

Azul Manganese Unit 

Since 1985, we have also produced manganese at the Azul Mine within the Carajás Mining Complex. Present in the composition of multiple objects, manganese is the fourth most-often used metal in the world and is part of our daily lives, being also essential for the manufacture of steel and ferroalloys.


Carajás Railroad

The Carajás Railroad began its operations in 1985, with its first 15 km of extension, after more than a decade of feasibility studies. Today, it connects the states of Pará and Maranhão, covering 28 municipalities in 1002 km of railroad. 68 trains, 276 locomotives and more than 20,000 wagons pass through it, transporting loads of iron ore, manganese, pig iron, copper, nickel, grains, fuel, and cellulose.  
The railway also houses the Passenger Train, which is capable of transporting up to 1,500 people in a single trip – equivalent to the capacity of 28 buses or 325 vehicles. At EFC, we operate the longest distance between departure and arrival points within Brazil, with 861 km, 15 stopping points and 27 municipalities served. The complete trip takes 16 hours. 

Photographer: Anderson Souza


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Imagem de uma mão segurando a corda do Círio. Na corda, há uma fitinha laranja

Mar de fitinhas, mostras e programação cultural no Círio 2024

Conheça as iniciativas do Instituto Cultural Vale valorizam cultura regional

Grupo de pessoas em branco centralizado em fundo rosa cereja

Vagas para operadores de equipamentos e instalações – Metais Básicos (Sossego)

As vagas estão abertas a partir de sexta-feira, 16 de agosto 

banner convite duathlon revezamento Vale

Participe do Duathlon de Revezamento Vale em Canaã dos Carajás

Nesta competição, duplas revezam no ciclismo e corrida de rua

Empregados Vale expondo camisa com mensagem sobre aprender novas habilidades pode mudar sua vida

Vale promove 3º edição do Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho em Canaã dos Carajás

As inscrições serão presenciais, a serem realizadas diretamente no SENAI em Canaã dos Carajás no período de 02 a 04 de outubro

Grupo de pessoas reunidas, em maioria crianças, próximas de uma placa escrito "Vitória da Restinga"

O Balanço Vale+ referente ao 1º Semestre de 2023 já está disponível

Nesta edição do Balanço Vale+, compartilhamos as iniciativas que desenvolvemos ao longo do primeiro semestre de 2023, incluindo a promoção do desenvolvimento social, ambiental e econômico nas regiões onde operamos.

Uma mulher e um homem sorriem para foto. Ambos usam camisetas brancas e estão ao ar livre.

Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho chega em Ourilândia do Norte e Região

O novo processo seletivo oferta 80 vagas distribuídas em 2 cursos gratuitos: Montador de Andaimes e Operador de Guindaste Veicular.

Floresta Nacional de Carajás Pará

Há 40 anos no Pará, Vale leva agenda do desenvolvimento sustentável e descarbonização à EXPOSIBRAM

Na programação paralela, a Conferência da Amazônia, destaque para a proteção da floresta e a bioeconomia

Papagaio está apoiado em um fino galho de árvore

Vale abre inscrição para a 6ª edição do Birding Photo Challenge em três Estados

As inscrições são gratuitas e destinadas a fotógrafos de todo o Brasil, admiradores de aves.

Uma mulher de cabelo encaracolado sorri para foto. Ela veste uma camiseta com a frase “Aprender novas habilidades pode mudar a sua vida”

Vale promove programa de preparação para o mercado de trabalho em Canaã 

As inscrições e as provas serão realizadas de 07 a 10 de agosto, nos horários das 08h30 às 11h30, 13h30 às 16h30 e das 18h30 às 21h30.

Ilustração representando cada uma das cidades em que as corridas vão acontecer, entre cada ilustração há o desenho de um corredor.

Circuito Corrida Vale 2023 – Juntos para transformar

Belo Horizonte (MG), Parauapebas (PA), São Luis (MA) e Vitória (ES) receberão ao longo do ano o Circuito Corrida Vale, com modalidades de 3, 5 e 10 km.

Imagem área de um hospital

Novo hospital regional construído pela Vale irá atender moradores do sudeste paraense

A entrega reforça o nosso compromisso com o Pará e será administrada pelo governo estadual por meio do SUS

Três funcionários da Vale uniformizados lado a lado, usando capacetes brancos com logotipo da Vale e colete laranja

Women who transform science and inspire new professionals

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated on this Saturday, February 11th. For us, it is an opportunity to honor the multiplier power of the voices that every day help us to transform the future in a fair and inclusive way.

Foto da ponte vista de cima em cima de um rio e uma vegetação ao redor do rio. A ponte possui uma pista para cada sentido e no meio um trilho para trem.

Projeto de nova ponte sobre o Rio Tocantins, em Marabá (PA), contribui para desenvolvimento socioeconômico da região

As obras para a construção de duas novas pontes sobre o rio Tocantins movimentam a cidade de Marabá, no sudeste do Pará.

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