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- Transform Together
- Vale will start tests to implement autonomous operation in off-road trucks in Carajás
- 50 years of partnership between Vale and China
- Programa de Aceleração de Mulheres Negras
- Snolab
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para novembro
- 2022 Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders
- Instituto Cultural Vale celebra Maria Firmina dos Reis e leva o Maranhão à 20ª FLIP
- At a UN event, Malu Paiva highlights projects supported by the Vale Foundation to generate income for women in high social vulnerability
- Vale: for 80 years transforming the future
- Vale 80 years: discover stories of those who help us write ours
- 80 anos Vale: como chegamos até você
- Plano Diretor Ambiental de Tubarão
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para dezembro
- Vale Day 2022 in New York
- 80 anos Vale: para além da mineração
- Dia Internacional Contra a Corrupção: nossos executivos lembram a importância do tema
- Projeto das novas pontes sobre o Rio Tocantins, em Marabá (PA), contribui para desenvolvimento socioeconômico da região
- Programa Valorizar premia organizações sociais de Barão de Cocais e Santa Bárbara
- Conheça a cultura do Pará na websérie “Papo de Raiz”
- Vale to hold event at United Nations Water Conference
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para janeiro
- 4Q22 Sales and Production report
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para fevereiro
- Energia para transformar o futuro: assista aos novos episódios de “Juntos para Transformar” no YouTube
- Check out the 4Q22 Financial Results
- Women who transform science and inspire new professionals
- PT Vale and PT BNSI Inaugurate the Construction of the Integrated Low Carbon Nickel Mining and Processing Project in Morowali
- Viva Engage Vale
- Museu Vale apresenta exposição sobre Leonardo Da Vinci
- Annual and Extraordinary Meetings of Shareholders
- Alteração nas alíquotas de ICMS
- Confira as operações no Maranhão que voltarão a ser tributadas pelo ICMS a partir de 1º de abril
- A nova edição do Balanço Vale+ já está disponível!
- 1Q23 Sales and Production report
- Check out the 1Q23 financial report
- Programa Valorizar premia instituições em 8 municípios
- Nova sede da Escola Municipal Meridional será entregue no começo do segundo semestre
- TRSP Requirements and Application Form
- TCA Praia de Camburi
- Chamada Instituto Cultural Vale
- 1º Edital Uso Futuro MAC
- Programa de Descaracterização de barragens a montante avança
- Obras de descaracterização começam em mais uma estrutura a montante da Vale: o Dique 1A
- Participe da etapa de Capacitação do Programa Valorizar – Caeté (MG)
- Reorganização de Metais Básicos no Brasil: fornecedores devem ficar atentos aos novos CNPJs
- Circuito Corrida Vale 2024 – Juntos para transformar
- 2Q23 Sales and Production report
- Conselheiro Lafaiete recebe novo prédio da Escola Municipal Meridional
- Check out the 2Q23 Financials Results
- Festivais de Inverno em Minas Gerais
- Reorganização de Metais Básicos no Brasil: Confira o procedimento para Retorno de Conserto de Materiais enviados no CNPJ Vale anterior
- Vale promove nova edição do Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho
- Prêmio Valor Inovação 2023 elege a Vale como a mais inovadora do setor de Mineração
- Bienal das Amazônias reunirá mais de 120 artistas
- Festival Vale Amazônia
- Fluxos para solicitação de reanálise de indenizações por danos à saúde mental em Brumadinho
- Projeto MAC Uso Futuro
- Balanço Vale+: Edição 1º Semestre de 2023
- Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho chega em Ourilândia do Norte e Região
- Indonesia Sustainability Forum 2023
- Vale abre inscrições para o Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho (PPMT) em Canaã dos Carajás
- Check the 3Q23 performance report dates
- Iron Ore Briquettes
- The 3Q23 sales and production report
- Resultados de vendas e produção 3t23
- Check out the 3Q23 Financials Results
- Amazon
- Resultados do Edital Uso Futuro
- Vale Day 2023 London, UK
- Vale Day 2023 London, UK 2
- Vale Day 2023 London, UK 3
- 4Q23 sales and production report
- Check out the 4Q23 performance report dates
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para Fevereiro
- Movimentações em janeiro: saiba quais foram as mudanças no nosso time no início de 2024
- Check out the 4Q23 Financials Results
- 2024 Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings
- Projeto Apolo
- Simulado de Segurança de Barragens - Itabira Eixo Norte
- Vale patrocina a Festa da Penha e encanta fiéis com ações especiais
- 1Q24 Production and Sales report
- Programa para pessoas recém-formadas em Engenharia
- Check out the 1Q24 performance report dates
- Check out the 1Q24 Financials Results
- Simulado de Segurança de barragens da mina de Águas Claras, em Nova Lima
- Programa Valorizar 2024: Barão de Cocais e Santa Bárbara
- Programa Desenvolver
- Inscreva-se para o processo seletivo do Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho
- Juntos pelo Rio Grande do Sul
- Discover your realm of possibilities
- See the mining in your life
- Descaracterização da barragem B3/B4
- Atenção fornecedor: aprenda a identificar quando um e-mail em nome da Vale é verdadeiro
- We are committed to building a better Manjung through impactful social investments
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para julho de 2024
- Nova estrutura da contenção a jusante no Sistema Pontal
- 2Q24 Vale’s Performance
- 2Q24 performance report dates
- Check out the 2Q24 Financials Result
- Mais segurança: Barragem Sul Superior deixa nível máximo de emergência
- 2024 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
- Estágio de Nível Superior para Metais Básicos - Exclusivo Pará
- Confira a programação de agosto do Parque Botânico São Luís
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para agosto
- Vale é destaque em eficiência energética em podcast do MIT Technology Review
- Vale ganha o primeiro lugar do Prêmio Valor Inovação 2024 como a mais inovadora do setor de Mineração, Metalurgia e Siderurgia
- Vale abre inscrições para o Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho (PPMT) em Canaã dos Carajás
- Participe da Corrida e Caminhada Metais Básicos
- Confira a programação de setembro do Parque Botânico São Luís
- Parque Costeiro
- Inscreva-se para o processo seletivo do Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho em Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro
- 3
- Confira a programação de outubro do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de outubro do Parque Botânico Vale
- 3Q24 performance report dates
- Parceria + Segura: Vale promove Evento de Premiação e Reconhecimento de Fornecedores
- Vale abre 20 vagas na área de Tecnologia e Inovação em três estados do Brasil
- Check out the Production and Sales results for 3Q24
- Check out the 3Q24 Financial Results
- Confira a programação de novembro do Parque Costeiro
- Vale day 2024
- Confira a programação de dezembro do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de dezembro do Parque Costeiro
- Confira a programação de janeiro do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de janeiro do Parque Costeiro
- 4Q24 performance report dates
- Check out the 4Q24 Financial Results
- Check out the Production and Sales results for 4Q24
- Confira a programação de fevereiro do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de fevereiro do Parque Costeiro
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação de fevereiro
- Vale announces R$70 billion investment in New Carajás Program in Pará by 2030 at ceremony with President Lula
- Programa Qualificar
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- Confira a programação de março do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de março do Parque Costeiro
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Vale’s Executive Committee is headed by Gustavo Pimenta, our CEO.
See the below list for his and our Executive Vice-Presidents' profiles.
Gustavo Pimenta
Gustavo Pimenta is the President of Vale. He is an executive with global experience in the financial, energy and mining sectors, and with a career developed over 20 years in Brazil, the United States and Europe. In 2021, he assumed the position of executive Vice-president of Finance and Investor Relations at Vale S.A. He was also responsible for the Procurement and Energy & Decarbonization areas.
Before joining Vale, Pimenta was an executive at AES for 12 years, accumulating extensive experience as Global CFO, director of Planning and Strategy and Vice President of Performance and Services at the company. He also served as Vice President of Strategy and M&A at Citigroup in New York. He has a degree in Economics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and a master’s degree in finance and economics from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Alexandre Silva D'Ambrosio
Executive Vice President, Corporate and External Affairs
Alexandre D'Ambrosio has been with Vale since 2018 and holds the position of Corporate and External Affairs Executive Vice President. His responsibilities include the Legal, Taxation, Corporate, Intellectual Property, Trade Compliance and Data Protection sectors of the company. He also works as Director of Vale Internacional S.A.
From 2016 to 2018, he was the Executive Vice President of Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. He was also a member of the board of directors of Santander Security Services Ltda (“S3”). From 2003 to 2016, he was the Corporate Legal Director of the Votorantim group. He was a board member of Aracruz Celulose S.A. (later Fibria S.A.) from 2004 to 2013, of Cimentos Itambé S.A. from 2006 to 2016, and of Citrosuco S.A. from 2009 to 2016.
In the United States, where he remained from 1985 to 1996, he worked as an associate and partner in large law firms, in Washington, D.C. and New York, in the areas of international trade, mergers and acquisitions, project finance and cross-border finance. He obtained an LLB from the University of São Paulo Law School in 1984, an LLM from Harvard Law School in 1986, and the equivalent of a Juris Doctor degree from George Washington University’s National Law Center in 1989.
Camilla Lott
Interim Vice-President of Sustainability
Agricultural engineering from Viçosa Federal University, an MBA from Rio de Janeiro Federal University and a graduate diploma in entrepreneurial management from Dom Cabral Foundation.
Carlos Medeiros
Executive Vice President, Operations
Carlos Medeiros is a senior executive with a distinguished international career and the proven ability to lead large transformation projects. As Executive Vice President of Operations, he oversees Vale’s mining, pellet production and logistics operations.
His deep knowledge in lean manufacturing, aimed at process optimization and continuous enhancement of productivity and quality, is instrumental in bolstering the safety and operational efficiency at Vale. His appointment therefore reflects Vale’s commitment to following the best globally recognized operational standards.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical and aeronautical engineering from the Aeronautical Technology Institute (ITA) in Brazil and a master’s degree in marketing from the Higher Education School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM), also in Brazil. Furthering his education, he completed the Senior Executive Program at Stanford University, the MIT xPro COO Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and a specialized manufacturing program at Cranfield University (UK).
Catia Porto
People Executive Vice President
Cátia Porto is Vale’s People Executive Vice President (non-statutory). Mrs. Porto has solid experience in companies from different sectors and has successfully led the implementation, restructuring and transformation of the Human Resources areas in Brazil and abroad. As an executive, Catia has an avant-garde vision, conducting her work with advanced analysis, innovation, and a strong focus on the business.
She studied in the USA at Dakota Wesleyan University, holds a degree in Psychology from PUC-RJ, a postgraduate degree in Human Resources Management from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and several courses at business schools such as London Business School, Wharton and IMD. During her career, she has lived in the United States, Japan, Mexico, Finland, the United Kingdom and Brazil, as well as leading projects in China and India. Catia has worked for major companies such as the Big Group, Walmart, Nokia, the BAT Group and the United Health Group (UHG).
Marcelo Bacci
Executive Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations
Marcelo Bacci is Vale’s Executive Vice-president of Finance and Investor Relations (CFO).
Mr. Bacci has relevant executive experience in management and finance, including over 20
years in leadership positions in companies with different compositions and segments.
For the last 10 years, he was the Executive Vice-president of Finance and Investor Relations at
Suzano S.A., where he had an outstanding performance.
He also served as Chairman and member of the Board of Directors of companies in the Suzano
Group and other companies in the Brazilian market, such as Energisa S.A. and BRF S.A.
He holds a degree in Public Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas, and MBA degrees
from Stanford Graduate School of Business and IBMEC – Brazilian Capital Market Institute.
Rafael Bittar
Executive Vice President, Technical
Rafael Bittar is Vale’s Technical Executive Vice President. He has 20 years of experience in engineering and mining. He joined the company in 2019, when he was appointed to run its Geotechnical Department, where he made some major improvements to its model for managing tailings and dams.
He has an undergraduate degree in civil engineering and geotechnics from the Mining School at Ouro Preto Federal University and MBAs from Getulio Vargas Foundation and Dom Cabral Foundation. During his career, he has worked in many positions in the areas of operations, projects, consulting and auditing, in Brazil and other countries. In the last 10 years, he has focused on geotechnics and management of mine tailings. Before coming to Vale, he was the senior global director at Yamana Gold.
He is a strong organizational leader with extensive global experience. He is also the author of numerous publications and technical presentations related to tailings disposal and risk management in tailings storage facilities.
He is a strategic thinker who can adapt his approach to local challenges while positively engaging and motivating teams to enable cultural change. He has also demonstrated strong communication and change management skills and he is proficient at managing project strategy externally and internally at various levels of the organization.
Previously, Mr. Muller was a partner at the consulting and auditing firm PwC, where he worked for 18 years.
He is a member of the board of directors of companies such as MRS Logistica S.A., Fundação Renova and California Steel Inc. He holds a degree in Accounting from the Federal University of Paraná and a degree in Business Administration from the Universidade Positivo.
Rogério Nogueira
Executive Vice President Commercial and Development
Rogério Nogueira is Vale’s Executive Vice President Commercial and Development.
Before holding this position, he was Vale´s Director of Business and Product Development. Rogério joined Vale in 2013 and has previously occupied the positions of Marketing & Strategic Planning Director and of Controller & Investor Relations Director.
Prior to joining Vale, Rogério worked for BHP Billiton having held the positions of Vice-President Iron Ore Americas and Vice-President West-Africa Iron Ore. He was Executive Director of Tupy Fundições, the world’s leader in casted and machined engine blocks and heads to the global automotive industry. He was also an Associate Principal at McKinsey & Company, associated with both the São Paulo and Cleveland Offices.
Rogério holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and both a Bachelor´s and a Master of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
Executive Vice President, Base Metals*
Deshnee Naidoo
Deshnee Naidoo is Vale’s Executive Vice President of Base Metals since December 2021. She started working at Vale in January of the same year as CFO of the Base Metals business. Since then, she has collaborated across Base Metals to understand the challenges and opportunities to accelerate transformation of the business.
She is a three-time “South Africa Mining Rainmaker” and recognized among the 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining in 2018. She has also served as a Board Member of the South Africa Minerals Council.
Prior to joining Vale, Deshnee was the CEO of the Zinc International business at Vedanta Resources from 2014 to 2020, where she held full P&L accountability for the international Zinc group. She took on the role of CEO Africa Base Metals during her tenure at Vedanta. Deshnee previously worked at Anglo American from 1998 to 2014, where she held a number of executive positions including the Chief of Staff from 2009 to 2011. She was also the CFO for Anglo American’s thermal coal business from 2011 to 2014.
Board of Directors
Daniel André Stieler
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Time with Vale: since 2021 (3 years)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
- President of the Board of Directors
- Coordinator of the Nomination ad Governance Committee
- Member of the Capital and Allocation and Projects Committee
Skills, knowledge and expertise:
- Relevant Executive Experience
- Relationship with shareholders
- Finance & Portfolio with Value orientation and Accountability for Performance
His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include:
(i) Member of the Board of Directors at Tupy S.A. (April 2022 to April 2023);
(ii) President of Banco do Brasil Employees Pension Fund (“PREVI”) (June 2021to February 2023);
(iii) Member of the Board of Directors (April 2020 to April 2022) at Alelo S.A., a Brazilian solutions and services company;
(iv) Chief Executive Officer (January 2021 to June 2021) of Economus Instituto de Seguridade Social, a supplementary pension entity, where he also served as Chairman of the Deliberative Council (July 2020 to January 2021) and Member of the Fiscal Council (June 2016 to July 2020);
(v) Member of the Deliberative Council (February 2021 to June 2021) of the higher education institution Universidade Corporativa de Previdência Complementar (“UniAbrapp”);
(vi) Member of the Board of Directors (April 2020 to October 2021) at Livelo S.A., a company in the benefits, corporate expense management and incentives business;
(vii) Chief Controllership Officer (July 2019 to January 2021) at the commercial bank Banco do Brasil S.A.;
(viii) Member of the Advisory and Finance Council (October 2016 to October 2019) at Banco Votorantim S.A.;
(ix) Member of the Financial Institutions Accounting Affairs Commission (2009 to 2019) of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (“Febraban”); and
(x) Executive Manager of the Financial Disclosure department (March 2009 to June 2019) of Banco do Brasil S.A. conglomerate, at the Controllership office.
Marcelo Gasparino da Silva
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Independent Member
Time with Vale: since 2019 (4 years)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
- Vice President of the Board of Directors
- Member of the Nomination ad Governance Committee
- Member of the People and Compensation Committee
Board of Directors at other listed companies:
- Member of the Board of Directors at Banco do Brasil
- Member of the Board of Directors at Petrobras
- Member of the Board of Directors at Eletrobras
Main experiences:
Mr. Marcelo Gasparino da Silva graduated in Law from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in 1995 and earned a post-graduation degree in Business Tax Administration from Fundação ESAG-UNICA in 2000. He has executive training in mergers and acquisitions from the London Business School and from the CEO FGV (IBE/FGV/IDE). He is a Professor at Fundação ENA – School of Government for certification of managers of government-owned and government-controlled companies.
He has been a Board Member Certified by Experience (CCA+) by Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa (“Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance” or “IBGC”) since 2010. At Vale S.A., he is an Independent Member of the Board of Directors (since April 2020), Coordinator of the Sustainability Committee, and Member of the Nomination and Governance Committee, having also held the positions of Member of the Nomination Committee (May 2022 to December 2022), Member of the Operational Excellence and Risk Committee (May 2021 to May 2022), Member of the Sustainability Committee (June 2020 to April 2021), Alternate Independent Member of the Board of Directors (May 2019 to April 2020) and Alternate Member of the Board of Directors (May 2016 to April 2017).
Mr. Marcelo Gasparino da Silva declared to be a politically exposed person due to the exercise of the positions of:
(i) Member of the Board of Directors of Petrobras (from April 2021 to May 2021, and since August 2021), where he is Chairman of the Statutory Committees of Health, Safety and Environment, and of the Minority Shareholders’ Committee, and member of the following statutory committees: Audit Committee of the companies of the Petrobras Conglomerate, Investment Committee, and People Committee;
(ii) Member of the Board of Directors of CEMIG (from April 2016 to July 2022);
(iii) Member of the Board of Directors (from April 2019 to February 2020) of Casan, a publicly traded company of water collection, treatment and distribution services and sewage treatment;
(iv) Member of the Board of Directors of CELESC (from April 2018 to April 2019).
He is currently (i) Member of the Board of Directors of Eletrobras (from April 2016 to April 2017 and since August 2022), where he is also Vice-Chairman of the Statutory Committee of Strategy, Governance and Sustainability of Eletrobras (since August2022).
Additionally, he served as:
(i) Chairman of the Board of Directors (from April 2017 to March 2023) of ETERNIT S.A., a leading public company in the roofing and other segments in construction solutions;
(ii) Member of the Board of Directors (from April 2020 to April 2021) of Gasmig, an energy company;
(iii) Member of the Fiscal Council (from April 2018 to April 2019) of Braskem, a petrochemical company; (iv) Member of the Board of Directors (from April 2017 to April 2020) of Kepler Weber, a metallurgy company; (v) Member of the Fiscal Council of Petrobras (from May 2019 to April 2021, and from April 2017 to April 2018); (vi) Member of the Board of Directors of AES Eletropaulo (from 2016 to 2018);
(vii) Chairman of the Board of Directors of Usiminas (from 2015 to 2016) and member (from 2012 to 2015);
(viii) Member of the Board of Directors of Bradespar (from 2015 to 2016);
(ix) Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnisa (from 2012 to 2014); (x) Member of the Fiscal Council of Bradespar (from 2014 to 2015);
(xi) Member of the Fiscal Council of AES Tietê (from 2013 to 2014); and
(xii) Member of the Fiscal Council of AES Eletropaulo (from 2012 to 2014).
André Viana Madeira
Employee Representative Member
Member of the Board of Directors at Vale S.A., elected by employees
Time with Vale: since 2021 (3 years)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
Member of the Sustainability Committee
Relevant experiences:
Graduated in Law at the Centro de Ensino Superior de Itabira, in December 2009, and in Theology at Escola Bíblica Permanente Sião - EBPS, in July 2006.
Member of the Deliberative Council of PASA/AMS (since 2022)
His main professional experiences in the past 5 Years include:
Member of the Innovation Committee (since May/2022)
Alternate Member of Vale's Board of Directors (May/2021 to April/2023)
Member of the Operational Excellence and Risk Committee (May/2021 to December/2022)
Member of the Innovation Committee (may/22 to may/23)
Alternate Member of Vale's Board of Directors (May/2021 to April/2023)
Douglas James Upton
Independent member
Time with Vale: since 2023 (1 year)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
- Member of the Capital Allocation and Projects Committee
- Member of the Audit and Risks Committe
- Experience in the Business Environment in Asia
- Relationship with shareholders
- Mining
- Steelmaking and Metallurgy
Mr. Doug graduated in Sciences (Mathematics and Physics) from University of Western Australia (in December 1981), where he also earned an MBA (in March 1988). He was a Partner, Research Officer and Analyst at The Capital Group (August 2004 to January 2023), one of the world’s leading investment managers, and served as Analyst at JP Morgan Asset Management (1999 to 2004), Head of Commodities Research (1997 to 1999) at HSBC Investment Bank, Senior Market Analyst (1989 to 1997) at the Western Mining Corporation, and Geophysicist (1982 to 1986) at Hosking Geophysical.
His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include:
(i) Investment Manager (August 2004 to January 2023) at The Capital Research Company – The Capital Group, Inc., where he was responsible for global investments in the steel and mining industry, with special focus on China’s economy and metals industry, and more recently on transition energy. From time to time, he has been responsible for other sectors, such as banking, retail and telecommunications, in Canada and Australia, having held the position of Chief Research Officer (2009 to 2013), until he resigned from the management team to focus on investments again.
Fernando Jorge Buso Gomes
Time with Vale: since 2015 (9 years)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
Member of the Capital Allocation and Projects Committee
Skills, Knowledge and Expertise:
- Relevant executive experience
- Institutional, governamental and regulatory relations
- Risk and security management
- Finance & portfolio with value orientation and accountability for performance
- Mining
Main experiences:
Mr. Fernando Jorge Buso Gomes graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Economic Science from Faculdades Integradas Bennett in 1979. He has over 40 years’ experience in planning complex financial strategies, mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, relationship with shareholders and stakeholders, team training and management, performance assessment of Boards of Directors and business strategy, at both Brazilian and international companies.
At Vale S.A., he has been Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors since May 2021 (having already held the position of Vice Chairman since January 2017 and was a member since April 2015), Member of the People and Remuneration Committee and of the Capital Allocation and Projects Committee. Previously at Vale, he had been a Member of the Financial Committee (Coordinator from December 2019 to April 2021 and subsequently, from November 2021 to December 2022, Member from April 2015 to December 2022), and Member of the People and Compensation Committee (since December 2022), formerly known as People, Remuneration and Governance Committee (Member from May 2021 to December 2022 and Coordinator from May 2019 to April 2021). He was Coordinator of the Governance and Sustainability Committee (April 2015 to October 2017), member of the Executive Development Committee (April 2015 to October 2017), member of the Strategic Committee (April 2017 to October 2017), Coordinator of the Sustainability Committee (November 2017 to April 2019) and Member and Coordinator of the People Committee (November 2017 to April 2019) at Vale S.A.
His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include:
(i) Member of the Board of Directors at Bradespar S.A. (april 2015 to april 2024)
(ii) Chief Executive Officer (since April 2015) at Bradespar S.A., where he holds the positions of Investor Relations Officer (since April 2015) and Member of the Board of Directors (since April 2022), having also served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors (April 2018 to October 2019) and Chairman of the Board of Directors (October 2019 to April 2020),
(iii) Member of the Board of Directors (November 2014 to December 2018) at 2B Capital S.A., a private equity manager controlled by Banco Bradesco, where he also held the positions of Chief Executive Officer (March 2015 to June 2016) and Officer (June 2016 to December 2018), and
(iv) Investor Relations Officer at Millennium Security Holdings Corp (since October 2015), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Banco Bradesco set up in early 2003 to be used as a vehicle for purchasing shares issued by Valepar and sold by Sweet River in 2003. He also served as Chief Executive Officer at Antares Holdings Ltda. and Brumado Holdings Ltda. between the years 2015 and 2017. And as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at Valepar S.A. (January 2017 to August 2017), where he also served as Officer (April 2015 to August 2017 ) and Member of the Board of Directors (April 2015 to August 2017).
Heloísa Belotti Bedicks
Independent Member
Time with Vale: since 2022
Experience at Vale S.A.:
Member of the Fiscal Council
Board of Directors at other listed companies:
- Member of MAPFRE group’s Board of Directors.
Main experiences:
Brazilian economist and accountant with solid experience in corporate governance. She is a member of the Fiscal Council of TIM, the Board of Directors of the Mapfre Group and the Audit Committee of Brasilseg and Gasmig. She voluntarily serves as a member of the Fiscal Council of Fundação Boticário, the UN Global Compact and the Deliberative Council of the NGO Portas Abertas in Brazil. She was a member of Vale’s Fiscal Council and General Director of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC), the latter for 18 years. Among other positions, she was a member of the Board of Directors of BNDES until January 2023, as well as of the Fiscal Council of Braskem and the Advisory Council of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). She holds a master’s degree in financial administration from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, a bachelor’s degree in economics from Unicamp and in Accounting Sciences from PUC Campinas, a specialization in corporate governance from Yale University and Stanford University and in Boards of Directors from Chicago University.
His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include:
(i) Full member of the Supervisory Board (April/2022 to September/2024) of Vale;
(ii) Member of the Supervisory Board of TIM Brasil (since March 2024);
(iii) Member of the Audit Committee of Gasmig (since May 2023);
(iv) Member of the Board of Directors of MAPFRE Group, (since February 2021);
(v) Member of the Audit Committee of Brasilseg (since September 2020);
(vi) Member of the Board of Directors and Member of Advisory Committees to the Board of Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social - BNDES, (April 2020 to March 2023);
(vii) Member of the Supervisory Board of Braskem (from May 2020 to April 2022);
(viii) Volunteer Member of the Supervisory Board of Fundação Boticário (since April 2020);
(ix) Volunteer Member of the Brazil Network of the UN Global Compact (since June 2021);
(x) Volunteer Advisory Board Member of Missão Portas Abertas (since November 2016);
and (xi) General Director of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance - IBGC (between April 2001 and January 2020).
João Luiz Fukunaga
Time with Vale: since 2023 (1 year)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
Coordinator of the People and Remuneration Committee
Member of the Sustainability Committee
Skills, Knowledge and Expertise:
Institutional, governmental and regulatory relations
Main experiences:
Mr. João Luiz Fukunaga graduated in History from the Pontifical Catholic University - PUC-SP in 2007, and holds a master’s degree in Social History from the same institution, concluded in 2009. He is President of PREVI – Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil (since February 2023), and started his career as a professor, having also engaged in research and academic productions in the education area. And he has been a tenured employee at Banco do Brasil since 2008.
His main professional experiences in the past 5 Years include:
(i) President of Banco do Brasil Employees Pension Fund (“PREVI”) (since February 2023);
(ii) President of the Board of Director’s of São Paulo International Airport – GRU Airport (since May 2024);
(iii) Officer (from 2012 to February 2023) of the Union of Bank Employees of the São Paulo, where he was;
(iv) National Coordinator of the Negotiation Commission of BB Employees;
(v) Legal Affairs Secretary (2017);
(vi) responsible for the Union’s Organization and Administrative Support area (from 2020 to February 2023); and
(vii) Union Auditor (2022 to February 2023), chosen by the National Confederation of Workers in the Financial Area (Contraf), engaging in negotiations between employees and management of Banco do Brasil).
Luis Henrique Cals de Beauclair Guimarães
Independent Member
Time with Vale: since 2023 (1 year)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
Coordinator of the Capital Allocation and Projects Committee
Member of the People and Remuneration Committee
Board of Directors at other listed companies:
- Member of the Board of Directors at Cosan S.A.
Skills, Knowledge and Expertise:
- Relevant executive experience
- Institutional, governmental and regulatory relations
- Relationship with
- Risk and security management
- Cultural transformation & talent management
- Finance & portfolio with value orientation and accountability for performance
- Commercial & trading
- Global supply chain logistics
Main experiences:
Mr. Luis Guimarães graduated in Statistics from Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas (“ENCE”), in Rio de Janeiro, and holds an MBA in Marketing from COPPEAD-UFRJ. Luis Guimarães has a deep understanding of the energy business, particularly energy transition and ESG challenges.
He is the CEO of Cosan S.A. (since 2020), having previously held this position at Raízen S.A. (2016 to 2020), a company engaged in the business of growing and processing of sugarcane, from production and sales of sugar and renewable energy through to the fuel distribution market and the convenience and proximity shopping business, and at Comgás (2013 to 2015), the largest gas utility company in Brazil, during which time he was also chairman of the ABEGAS board.
He is currently a Member of the Board of Directors at Cosan S.A. (since July 2017), Raízen S.A. (since April 2020), Cosan Lubes Investments Limited (since August 2020), and Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades S.A. (since October 2020), Logum Logística S.A. (since June 2016), while serving without pay as Chief Executive Officer of the Brazilian Association of Publicly-Held Companies (“ABRASCA”), in furtherance of the development of the Brazilian capital market (since June 2020). He was COO (2011 to 2012) at Raízen Combustíveis S.A., Chief Marketing Officer North America (2007 to 2011) at Shell Global Marketing Lubricants (2004 to 2007), and a Partner (2000 to 2004) at Webb Consulting and Business and Outsourcing.
His main professional experiences in the last five years include:
(i) Member of the Board of Directors at Raízen S.A. (april 2020 to january 2024)
(ii) Chief Executive Officer (April 2016 to April 2020) and Member of the Board of Directors (April 2020 to June 2021) at Raízen Energia S.A.;
(iii) Chief Executive Officer of Raízen S.A. (April 2016 to April 2020);
(iv) Member of the Board of Directors at Radar Produção Agrícolas S.A. (June 2020 to February 2023);
(v) Member of the Board of Directors at Radar II Propriedades Agrícolas S.A. (June 2020 to February 2023);
(vi) Member of the Board of Directors at Janus Brasil Participações S.A. (June 2020 to February 2023);
(vii) Member of the Board of Directors at Tellus Brasil Participações S.A. (June 2020 to February 2023);
(viii) Member of the Board of Directors at Duguetiapar Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. (October 2022 to February 2023);
(ix) Member of the Board of Directors at Gamiovapar Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. (October 2022 to February 2023);
(x) Member of the Board of Diretors at Rumo S.A. (Nov/2020 to Mar/2023);
(xi) Member of the Board of Diretors at Compass Gás e Energia S.A. (Jul/2020 to Mar/2023); and
(xii) Member of the Board of Diretors at Companhia de Gás de São Paulo - Comgás (Dec/2012 to Mar/2023).*
* Updated on 03/29/2023, following the letter received by the Company from the candidate for member of the Company’s Board of Directors, Mr. Luis Henrique Cals de Beauclair Guimarães, with the confirmation of his resignation with immediate effects from the occupied positions on other three Boards of Directors.
Manuel Oliveira (Ollie)
Lead Independent Director
Time with Vale: since 2021 (3 years)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
- Lead Independent Director
- Coordinator of the Audit and Risk Committee
- Member of the Capital Allocation and Projects Committee
Board of Directors at other listed companies:
- Chairman of the Board of Directors at Jubilee Metals Group PLC
Skills, Knowledge and Expertise:
- Relevant executive experience
- Institutional, governmental and regulatory relations
- Relationship with shareholders
- Risk and security management
- Finance & portfolio with value orientation and accountability for performance
- Mining
- Global chain logistics
Main experiences:
Mr. Manuel Oliveira (Ollie) graduated in Accounting and Business Economics in 1973 and earned a specialist degree in Theory of Accounting in 1975 from University of Natal-Durban, in South Africa. He also holds specialist degrees as Chartered Accountant and Chartered Management Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of South Africa and the U.K.’s Institute of Chartered Management Accountants, respectively.
An executive boasting more than 35 years’ experience in corporate finance and strategy, primarily in the mining industry, at companies like Anglo American and De Beers, including some experience in Brazil. A recognized independent board member, having served on several international boards in the manufacturing sector. He has experience in institutional relations, finance and mining.
He is an Independent Member of Vale’s Board of Directors (since May 2021), Coordinator of the Audit and Risks Committee and Member of the Nomination and Governance Committee. Previously at Vale, he had been Coordinator of the Audit Committee (August 2021 to December 2022), Member of the Nomination Committee (May 2022 to December 2022), and Member of the People, Remuneration and Governance Committee (elected in May 2021 to hold a seat from August 2021 to May 2022).
His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include:
(i) Member (since May 2022) and Chairman of the Board of Directors (since June 2022) at Jubilee Metals Group PLC, a publicly-held natural resources and mining company listed on the London Stock Exchange;
(ii) Senior Independent Director (April 2018 to March 2022) at Polymetal International PLC, a publicly-held gold and silver mining company;
(iii) Senior Independent Director at Antofagasta PLC (October 2011 to August 2021), a publicly-held company engaged in the natural resources and mining business; and (iv) Non-Executive Independent Director (February 2020 to July 2021) at Blackrock World Mining Investment Trust PLC, a British mining investment company.
Paulo Hartung
Independent Member
Time with Vale: since 2023 (1 year)
Skills, Knowledge and Expertise:
- Member of the Sustainability Committee
- Member of the Audit and Risks Committee
Main experiences:
Mr. Paulo Hartung graduated in Economics from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (“UFES”) in 1978. He earned the titles of Honoris Causa Professor from Universidade de Vila Velha (2004) and Honoris Causa Doctor from UFES (2006). Paulo Hartung has in-depth knowledge of institutional, governmental and regulatory relations, in addition to an extensive political career at the municipal, state and federal levels.
On his journey, he developed a clear understanding of government and public sector thinking and ways of putting it into action, as well as a sophisticated reading on the Brazilian society and environmental policy. These attributes enabled him to succeed in the role of mediator between the private and public sectors, either as president of IBÁ or by providing support to companies in their interactions with government officials (for example, supporting Vale in its relationship with the state of Pará).
His professional career combines a conceptual strategic vision in the field of economics and management with the challenges of promoting a socially inclusive and geographically decentralized economy with responsible environmental development, implemented on a contemporary basis, and with a commitment to democratizing access to opportunities. In addition to his ability to understand the social and political environments and strong focus on favoring good environmental initiatives and policies from a more holistic perspective. These two dimensions of his main skills have allowed him to gain a more comprehensive perspective on ESG problems, especially regarding the E and S components.
He is the Chief Executive Officer of IBÁ – Indústria Brasileira de Árvores, an association gathering members of the supply chain in the business of planting trees for industrial purposes (since March 2019), whose goals include expanding the sector’s representativeness both nationally and internationally. The entity brings together 50 companies and nine state entities engaged in making products from the process of growing planted trees (wood boards, laminated floors, pulp, paper, energy forests and biomass), as well as independent producers and institutional investors.
Mr. Paulo Hartung declared himself a Politically Exposed Person for having held the positions of:
(i) Governor of the State of Espírito Santo (2015 to 2018) and (ii) Member of the Advisory Board of the National Justice Council (“CNJ”) (between 2018 and 2020).
His main professional experiences in the last five years include:
(i) Board Member at RenovaBR, political renewal initiative;
(ii) Board Member at the Institute for Health Studies;
(iii) Board Member at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (“CEBRI”); and (iv) Board MemberI at Unimed Participações (2019 to 2020). He was also a Board Member at EDP Brasil (2012 to 2014) and Board Member at Veracel Celulose (2013 to 2014).
Rachel de Oliveira Maia
Independent Member
Time with Vale: since 2021 (3 years)
Experience at Vale S.A.:
- Coordinator of the Sustainability Committee
- Member of the Nomination and Governance Committee
Board of Directors at other listed companies:
- Independent Director at Pão de Açucar Group
Skills, Knowledge and Expertise:
- Relevant executive experience
Main experiences:
Ms. Rachel de Oliveira Maia graduated in Accounting from Centro Universitário FMU in 1996. She was trained in general management at University of Victoria, Canada (2001), and in Negotiation and Leadership at the Executive Education Program of Harvard Business School (2014), and she earned an MBA from Fundação Getulio Vargas (“FGV”) (February 2018).
She is an Independent Member of the Board of Directors at Vale S.A. (since May 2021), Member of the Sustainability Committee (since May 2021) and Member of the Audit and Risks Committee, having previously served as a Member of the Audit Committee (May 2022 to December 2022).
Her main professional experiences include:
(i) Independent Director at Banco do Brasil S.A (march 2021 to august 2023)
(ii) Independent Director at CVC Corp (may 2021 to april 2023)
(iii) Founder and CEO of RM Consulting, focusing on sustainability and leadership (since April 2018);
(iv) Independent Member of the Board of Directors at Banco do Brasil (since May 2021);
(v) Independent Member of the Board of Directors at CVC Corp (since March 2021);
(vi) Member of the Grupo Mulheres do Brasil, or Women of Brazil Group (since 2020);
(vii) Member of the Economic and Social Committee of the Development Council (since 2018);
(viii) Independent Member of the Board of Directors at Soma Group (December 2020 to May 2022);
(ix) Member of the Diversity and Inclusion Council at Carrefour (November 2020 to November 2021);
(x) management advisor to SumUp (December 2020 to December 2021);
(xi) Chairman of UNICEF Advisory Board (October 2019 to September 2021);
(xi) Member of the General Council of the Danish Consulate (April 2014 to November 2020);
(xii) Member of the Danish Chamber of Commerce (April 2014 to November 2020);
(xiii) CEO of Lacoste S.A. (Brazil), luxury apparel company (October 2018 to September 2020);
(xiv) Member of the Committee of the President of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) (April 2016 to October 2019);
(xv) member of the Institute for Retail Development (2016 to 2018);
(xvi) CEO of Pandora Brasil, in jewelry industry (April 2010 to April 2018);
(xvii) member of the Board of the Americas of the Executive Leadership Group (ELG) (January 2013 to March 2018).
She also stands out for having held the position of CFO at Tiffany & Co. Brazil (between July 2002 and October 2009).
In January 2018, she founded the non-profit organization INSTITUTO CAPACITA-ME, responsible for providing training to people over 18 years old experiencing socioeconomic vulnerability, thereby promoting the education and employability of these students and workers in the most varied of communities in São Paulo.
Reinaldo Duarte Castanheira Filho
Independent Member
Time with Vale: since 2024
Experience at Vale S.A.:
Board of Directors at other listed companies:
- N/A
Main experiences:
Brazilian economist with a solid professional career in the mining industry. He held several executive positions in the Vale group, including CEO of the Aluminum business, CFO of Manganese business and Director of Investment Analysis. He was also CFO at Ferrous and previously worked at PWC and Coca-Cola. He was a member of the Board of several companies in Brazil. Reinaldo holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from PUC-MG and has had executive training at several global business schools.
His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include:
(i) Managing Partner of Heritage Holding (since March/2013); and (ii) Independent Member of the Maringá Group Mining Committee (since March/2022).
Shunji Komai
Time with Vale: since 2023 (1 year)
Skills, Knowledge and Expertise:
Member of the People and Remuneration Committee
Member of the Capital Allocation and Projects Committee
Main experiences:
Mr. Shunji graduated in Arts and Foreign Languages from Dokkyo University, in Japan (March 1994). He is Vice President of Mitsui & Co. Brasil S.A. (since February 2023) and a Senior Officer for Vale Business (since February 2023) at Mitsui & Co. Ltd. Japan’s Minerals and Resources business unit in Japan.
He was a Board Member (2021 to 2022) at Mitsui & Co. (Asia), a mineral resources development company, Board Member (2020 to 2021) at Vale Mozambique, and Alternate Board Member (2006 to 2012) at Valepar.
His main professional experiences in the last 5 years include:
(i) Vice-President of Mitsui & CO. (Brasil) S.A. (since February 2023);
(ii) CEO and President (November 2021 to January 2023) of the mineral resources development company Mitsui & Co. (Asia), on assignment at an investment company in Manila, the Philippines, of the New Metals and Aluminum division of Mitsui & Co., Ltd.;
(iii) Deputy General Manager of the New Metals and Aluminum division (July 2021 to October 2021) of Mitsui & Co.;
(iv) Officer and General Manager of Governance and Compliance (September 2020 to June 2021) at Vale Mozambique; (iv) General Manager of the Brazil sales department of the Iron Ore Division (April 2012 to August 2020) of Mitsui & Co.;
(v) General Manager of Rare Metals and Battery Material department, New Metals and Aluminum division (2015 to 2017), at Mitsui & Co.
Corporate Charter
Executive Vice President, Strategy and Business Transformation
Luciano Siani Pires
Luciano Siani Pires is Executive Vice President of Strategy and Business Transformation, responsible for leading initiatives that position Vale for the future. He joined the company in 2008 and has held positions such as Global Strategy Director and Global Human Resources and Governance Director.
Prior to assuming his current role, he held the position of Executive Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations (CFO) from 2012 to 2021, where, for several years, he also led areas such as Shared Services, Procurement, Information Technology, Capital Projects and Vale Fertilizantes. He is also currently the Chairman of VLI, the second largest logistics provider in Brazil. He has extensive professional experience in the areas of Finance, Capital Markets and Strategic Planning, having held various executive positions at the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), as well as participation in Boards of Directors in companies such as The Mosaic Company, Suzano Papel e Celulose and the holding companies of Vale and Telemar (currently Oi). He was also a Consultant at McKinsey & Co. earlier in his career.
He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and received a master in business administration degree with distinction from New York University (Leonard N. Stern School of Business).
Board of Directors
- Daniel André Stieler - President
- Marcelo Gasparino da Silva - Vice-President
- André Viana Madeira
- Douglas James Upton
- Fernando Jorge Buso Gomes
- João Luiz Fukunaga
- José Luciano Duarte Penido
- Luis Henrique Cals de Beauclair Guimarães
- Manuel Lino Silva de Sousa Oliveira (Ollie) - Lead Independent Director
- Paulo Hartung
- Rachel de Oliveira Maia
- Shunji Komai
- Vera Marie Inkster (Marie)
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