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Photographer: Lucas Lenci
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Document library

Our corporate documents and regulatory policies are meant to transparently guide our actions and direct our stance as a company before our employees, partners and society. Our reports show, in practice, the results and the progress that we have achieved with these actions. Check all these documents here. 

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1750 resultados

Nome Categoria Subcategoria Data Tamanho
Code of Conduct - POL-0001-GPolicies, rules and regulationsTransparency2023/8/2145.48 MB
Regimento Interno - Conselho FiscalInvestorsPolicies, rules and regulations2023/7/1590.46 KB
Corporate charter of the Fiscal CouncilInvestorsPolicies, rules and regulations2023/7/1593.87 KB
Política de Gestão de resíduos minero-metalúrgicos - POL-0040-GPolicies, rules and regulationsTransparency2023/7/1174.7 KB
Política de Mudanças Climáticas - POL-0012-GPolicies, rules and regulationsTransparency2023/7/1534.9 KB
Política de Dispêndios Externos Socioambientais e Institucionais - POL-0024-GPolicies, rules and regulationsTransparency2023/7/133.91 KB
Política de Sanções e Controles de Exportação - POL-0025-GPolicies, rules and regulationsTransparency2023/7/1241.32 KB
Regimento Interno - Comitê SustentabilidadeInvestorsPolicies, rules and regulations2022/12/15217.9 KB
Internal Regulation - Sustainability CommitteeInvestorsPolicies, rules and regulations2022/12/15177.31 KB
Política de Gestão de Riscos - POL-0009-GPolicies, rules and regulationsTransparency2022/12/15306.13 KB