Young Apprentice
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Young Apprentice Vale
We want to be by the side of our talents throughout the learning process of their first job, contributing to their professional growth and improving their skills.
We offer a transparent, inclusive, dynamic and creative environment.
Start your career at Vale and be part of this transformation.
We offer a transparent, inclusive, dynamic and creative environment.
Start your career at Vale and be part of this transformation.
Why be a Young Apprentice at Vale?
Get to know the stories of those who have gone through or are going through our program.
Rafael Rosário
Administrative assistant
Laura Mello
Young Apprentice
List of experiences
We will live many experiences in the Young Apprentice Program:
Theoretical and practical development in careers such as industrial electromechanics, equipment operation and administrative services.
Qualified insertion in the job market, expanding possibilities for professional growth.
Monitoring and supervision with Vale’s most qualified technical advisors.
Certificate issued by the Educational Institution, in accordance with current legislation.
Photographer: Márcia Foletto
Profile, advantages and selection process
Persons aged between 18 and 22 years (for people with disabilities there is no age limit)
Education: High school degree
Have residence in the same city as the job vacancy
Program duration: Up to 1 year.
Photographer: Antonio Scorza
Benefits and Advantages:
Apoiar – Employee Assistance Program
Health care
Life insurance
Meal vouchers or access to the cafeteria at Vale during the practical phase
Transport vouchers or transport at the place of operation
Photographer: Ricardo Teles
How does our selection process work?
The Young Apprentice Program’s selection process is completely blind at all stages, with the aim of preventing unconscious biases from influencing the choice of candidates. Our focus is to promote a selection based on the assessment of potential and ability to perform in the future. Thus, information such as gender, ethnicity, marital status, disabilities, among others, are omitted during selection.
Photographer: Ricardo Teles
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