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Photographer: Marcelo Coelho
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Mining is closer than you think.

Whether in the construction of houses, in products used in the health area, in new technologies, in the manufacture of cars or even home appliances. Ore is present in solutions that transform people's lives for the better, contributing to the evolution of society.

In addition to mining, we take care of our production chain, investing in logistics and energy to ensure that our operations are efficient. 

In order to meet the global demand for ore, our operations, research laboratories, projects and offices are spread throughout the five continents. 

Photographer: Vitor Nogueira

In our business decisions, we prioritize the safety of people and the environment, acting with respect, care and integrity.

We maintain constant dialogue with communities because we want to learn together to build a positive social, economic and environmental legacy for all.

Come discover how we are part of your daily life. 

Photographer: Lucas Lenci

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Photographer: Ricardo Teles


We are the largest producer of iron ore, pellets and nickel, and we also have operations in manganese, ferroalloys, copper, gold, silver, and cobalt.

We focus on continually improving our processes, seeking a safer and more reliable operation and contributing to deliver high quality products to our customers. 
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Photographer: Ricardo Teles


We efficiently integrate mines, railways, ships and ports to ship our ore safely to our customers.

With constant investments in technology and innovation, we lead the supply of this type of service in Brazil and we are the largest exporter of mineral abroad.
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Photographer: Ricardo Teles


Our operation consumes a notable amount of energy.

We invest in our own generation, develop technologies to reduce consumption and enter partnerships mainly for the supply of renewable energy.

Operation Locations 

We are present in several locations throughout Brazil and around the world.

In addition to our operations, we contribute to the development of the territories and communities in our surroundings. Check out where we are below:

Photographer: Daniel Mansur





Dam elimination

The purpose of elimination is to allow the spaces occupied by deactivated dams to be recovered and reintegrated into the environment.  

This process is one of our commitments towards society, in which we further improve safety procedures.   

Understand elimination and see our containment and reinforcement works.   


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Pasta de ética e compliance e dois empregados vale centralizados em fundo verde água

Vale publishes Ethics & Compliance Program Report 2024

Confira os avanços e resultados do programa em transparência e integridade

estrada centralizada em mata verde

Check out the 4Q24 Financials Result

Vale released, this Wednesday, February 19th, its performance for the fourth quarter of 2024

Grupo de pessoas assiste a executivos da Vale apresentarem ideias em um palco com imagem escrita Nova Carajás

Em solenidade com o presidente Lula, Vale anuncia R$ 70 bi em investimentos no Programa Novo Carajás, no Pará, até 2030

Vale anuncia R$ 70 bi em investimentos no Programa Novo Carajás

operação da Vale à direita de área verde

4Q24 performance report dates

Check out the dates for the fourth quarter of 2024

Photo by Gustavo Pimenta, President of Vale, during Vale Day 2024.

Vale day 2024

Vale Day 2024 was held on December 3 in New York.
