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Vale makes donations to those affected in the Self-Saving Zone

This humanitarian financial support is a way of minimizing possible uncertainties

Vale will expand the humanitarian aid to those affected by the Dam 1 breach in Brumadinho. In addition to the R$100,000.00 donation to the families of the deceased and uncontactable people, those that lived or carried out any rural or commercial activities in the Self-Saving Zone (ZAS, Zona de Autossalvamento) of the Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM, Plano de Ação de Emergência de Barragens de Mineração) will receive humanitarian financial aid.

Two financial aid categories will be created: one for all the families residing at the ZAS, which will receive a R$50,000.00 donation, and a second one for those who did not reside at the ZAS, but carried out rural or commercial activities registered by the company when the PAEBM was created. For the latter, the donation will be of R$15,000.00.
The procedures to receive the humanitarian financial aid will be informed next week.
It is important to highlight that this humanitarian financial aid is a donation to minimize eventual uncertainties of those affected It is not a compensation, which will be agreed between the interested parties.
Besides this action, Vale is conducting several humanitarian actions. Since the dam breach, the company has established a team of more than 300 people, composed of doctors, nurses, social assistants, psychologists and volunteers, to assist the population and the families of those affected.
Vale set up help centers and three helpline numbers for contact and questions:  0800 031 0831 (Hello Brumadinho), 0800 285 7000 (Hello Railroad) and 0800 821 5000 (Ethics and Conduct Office).


Media Relations Office - Vale

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Our commitment to repairing the communities and people impacted by the B1 dam failure is constant. See the social, environmental and safety actions taken by Vale. 
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