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Vale announces members of the Board of Directors

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​Vale S.A., in line with the evolution of the Company’s governance, expanding the diversification of profiles and the knowledge of the best operational practices in the mining industry, announces the election of the following members of the Board of Directors: Mr. Murilo César Lemos dos Santos Passos and Mr. Roger Allan Downey, as full members, and Mr. Ken Yasuhara, as alternate member. The new members have solid experience and knowledge of the mining industry and Vale’s activities.

Murilo César Lemos dos Santos Passos is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tegma Gestão e Logística S.A. and member of the Board of Directors of Odontoprev S.A., of São Martinho S.A., of IPLF Holding S/A and of Suzano Holding S.A. He also serves as member of the Management Committee of Suzano Holding S.A. In the third sector, he serves as a board member of Instituto Ecofuturo-Futuro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável and of Fundação Nacional da Qualidade. He held positions on the Boards of Directors of the companies Camil, Brasil Agro, CCR and of CPFL Energia, the latter two as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He held various positions in the Pulp and Paper industry, such as CEO of Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A., superintendent director of Bahia Sul Celulose S.A. and superintendent director of Celulose Nipo-Brasileira S.A. - Cenibra Florestas do Rio Doce S.A. He held positions at Vale between the decades of 1970 and 1990 in several divisions, such as environment, metallurgy and forest products. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Roger Allan Downey is a member of the Board of Directors and CEO of Fertimar S.A. (PrimaSea). He previously served at Vale as executive director of fertilizers, coal and strategy and as strategic marketing manager, accumulating the position of President of Vale Fertilizantes S.A. He held the position of CEO of MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A. and other positions in the mining industry, such as director of mining & steel research of Credit Suisse and commercial manager of Rio Tinto Brasil. He holds a degree in Business Administration from the Australian National Business School and a master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Western Australia.  

Ken Yasuhara is director and general manager of the mineral and metallic resources division of Mitsui & Co. (Brazil) S.A. He was an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Alunorte - Alumina do Norte do Brasil S.A., member of Alunorte’s Financial Committee and Technical Committee. He was also iron ore division manager at Mitsui & Co., Ltd., manager of the steel raw materials department at Sumitomo Corporation and director of mineral resources, energy and steel at Sumitomo Corporation do Brasil S.A. He holds a degree in Policy Management from Keio University, Japan.

In addition, Vale informs that the complete resume of each new member will be filed in its Reference Form, within the period established by the CVM Instruction 480, of December 7th, 2009, as amended.


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