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Field Hospital cares for 98 animals in Brumadinho

The list includes fowls, birds, reptiles, horses, bovine animals, cats and canines

The Field Hospital was set up to assist the fauna rescued from the dam breach in Brumadinho. The team - comprising veterinarians, doctors on duty and intensive care workers - is working 24/7 to provide care and treatment to rescued animals, which now account for 98. The list includes fowls, birds, reptiles, horses, bovine animals, cats and canines. Set up in a farm rented by Vale, the Hospital also operates as a support center for rescue teams. The unit is equipped to admit large domestic and wild animals. Species are first sorted out and then medicated, as needed.

The structure set up to shelter the animals consists of stalls and carts for cattle, a pasture area for sheep and pigs, dog fences, an area dedicated to wild animals, and a swimming pool to accommodate fish. In addition, the team has a mobile bus available with all the equipment required to perform surgeries in animals arriving in critical conditions. In total, 30 professionals participate in the efforts.

To improve its performance under the guidance of IBAMA, Vale is expanding the kennels and installing a shading area to provide thermal comfort for the animals, among other actions.

"We have an area to wash the animals and a storage of forage, grain and feed offered daily," said Mirella D'Elia, Vale's veterinarian in charge of the Site Hospital.

Approximately 40 professionals are working to rescue the local fauna on both banks of the Paraopeba river. The action is coordinated by Vale's team of biologists in partnership with the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine, which has mobilized volunteers to assist in the admission and care of rescued animals at the Site Hospital. The task force comprises veterinarians, biologists and assistants - including Vale employees, volunteers, and advisors.

If you have any information about animals at risk and rescued animals, please call Vale at 0800 0310831 (Alô Brumadinho), 0800 285 7000 (Alô Ferrovias) and 0800 821 5000 or contact the Fire Service.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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