Treatment of discrepancies in orders and tax invoices
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Vale Supply Portal
The Vale Supply Portal is an environment that centralizes Vale’s procurement applications.
On it, suppliers are supported by “Val,” our virtual assistant, who handles requests to deal with discrepancies.

Hi, I’m Val, Vale’s virtual assistant!
Access the Vale Supply Portal to make and track requests to deal with discrepancies in orders and tax invoices, print labels, consult the status of payments and tax invoices, access other procurement tools and to see news.
Learn how to access available features
Access tSuppliers can access the Vale Supply Portal once they have gone through Vale’s registration and certification process.

For guidance and help on accessing the system and using the Vale Supply Portal, contact our Help Desk on 0800 047 4242.
Check out the support materials below:

Discover the features available on the Vale Supply Portal

Access the Vale Supply Portal
For opening and consulting requests for handling discrepancy of orders and invoices, printing labels, consulting the status of payment of deposits and invoices and accessing other Procurement and news tools.

Meus Pedidos Application
For consultation of purchase orders for approved materials, where from the list returned from the survey it is possible to select one or more orders for Printing Labels and also open tickets of the Settlement of Order type without an invoice issued.

Meus Chamados Application
To open and consult tickets for Handling of Discrepancy in requests and invoices for materials, questions about Undue Retention of services and INSS/ISS Guides and Vouchers and technical support.

Meus Acessos Application
To check which Tax IDs the user has access to view orders, deposits, invoices and open tickets in the other applications of the Portal.

Meus Depósitos Application
For consultation of deposits programmed and carried out by Vale Brasil companies to their suppliers, with details of all documents related to them, such as invoices, advances and taxes.

Minhas Notas Fiscais Application
To consult the status of registration and payment of invoices for materials and services received by Vale.

Virtual Assistant (Val)
To assist suppliers in the entire flow for requesting an Order Settlement without an NF issued, Payment Delay (Material).

Quick Access Links
For all Procurement applications used by suppliers.

News Feed
For suppliers to follow the news that impact their processes with Vale.

Joining forces with Vale, learn about our innovative methodology and obtain information about sustainable development where we operate.