
Karyawan Vale tersenyum di lanskap hijau. Dia mengenakan seragam Vale
hijau, kacamata, helm, dan penutup telinga. Artefak gelombang visual Vale
Photographer: Vale's Archive
Photographer: Vale's Archive 

How to measure the services provided to Vale? 

The measurement, which is carried out by Vale's contract manager, is the proof that the supplier performed the services within the period and in accordance with the purchase order and the contract.

Information such as measurement schedule and service payment term can be found in the contract itself. 

After the measurement is performed, the supplier receives a Billing Report (RF) or a Purchase Order with the description of the service provided for the issuance of the invoice. 

In the case of payment via Service Payment Request (SPS), there is no Billing Report (RF). 


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ciclo com quadrado, triângulo e círculo branco centralizado em fundo azul claro

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Artefak gelombang visual Vale
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