Arquivo Vale
Arquivo Vale

Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management ("GISTM") 

The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM), an initiative of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), was launched on August 5, 2020, becoming the first global standard in the mining sector and a global benchmark for tailings dam safety.
In October 2020, Vale's Board of Directors approved a new Dam Safety and Geotechnical Structures Policy, which includes GISTM as one of its references. Among other guidelines, the policy established that all components of our current Tailings and Dams Management System (TDMS) will be designed with elements of continuous improvement, using and applying the best available technologies and practices according to international institutions, including ICMM.

According to the public commitment, Vale implemented the GISTM in its Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) on August 5, 2023, regardless of the consequence classification of the TSFs. The commitment also emphasizes that all TSFs operated by Vale with lower consequence classification will also be GISTM compliant by August 5, 2025.
Document with 6 topics comprised in 15 principles, which in turn are splitted in 77 auditable requirements. 

Establishes a global reference for tailings management, covering key areas of the entire tailings storage facility (TSF) life cycle.

In January 2025, the Global Tailings Management Institute (GTMI) was established to supervise the implementation of GISTM. For more information, visit:

The GISTM Journey and the commitment to compliance:

GISTM Implementation and Compliance

To meet the requirements established by the GISTM Standard, Vale created the GISTM Journey Program, a strategic initiative that focuses on ensuring compliance through a continuous improvement process. The program establishes a robust system to identify, control and address potential gaps, ensuring that all practices are aligned with the highest safety and sustainability standards.

You will find the detailed Executive Summary below, which presents the guidelines and progress in the process of implementing GISTM in our operations.

Access the GISTM Executive Summary.

GISTM self-assessment 2022-2023 and third-party verification process (gap assessment)

In early 2022, the GISTM journey program was initiated with a strong set of action plans and controls, followed by a comprehensive self-assessment, now more mature due to the technical evolution in terms of interpretation, understanding and scope in practice of the GISTM requirements. In order to improve the quality of the processes, an external company was contracted to verify the implementation processes and the gaps identified, considering all of Vale’s TSFs. 

 Access the GISTM Executive Summary. 

Principle 15 of the GISTM

The GISTM has in its last principle (Principle 15) a set of 3 requirements that generally focus on public disclosure of information while maintaining communication channels and transparency based on standardized and complete database.
What does Principle 15 say?
Publicly disclose and provide access to information on tailings storage facilities to support accountability and public responsibility.

What does requirement 15.1 say?
Publish and regularly update information on the operator's commitment to the safe management of tailings facilities, the implementation of its tailings governance structure, and its policies, standards or approaches applicable to the entire organization for design, construction, monitoring and closure. 

To meet this requirement, Vale has developed two online platforms, one for its Iron Solutions (Ferrous) operations and one for its Energy Transition Metals (Base Metals) operations. These platforms are interactive tools designed to facilitate the navigation of Requirement 15.1 items for all of its Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) with GISTM in place.

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