
Karyawan Vale tersenyum di lanskap hijau. Dia mengenakan seragam Vale
hijau, kacamata, helm, dan penutup telinga. Artefak gelombang visual Vale
Our people inspire us to continually evolve. We are committed to and actively invest in talent development, inclusion, and diversity in our workforce. Safety is an obsession at Vale, and ensuring the health and well-being of our people is an integral part of this commitment. 

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  • obsession with safety and risk management; 

  • open and transparent dialogue; 

  • empowerment with accountability; 

  • sense of ownership; 

  • active listening and engagement with society. 

An integrated plan informs our initiatives to scope out our organizational culture and core beliefs, including leadership development programs and a review of our organizational processes and systems. Cultural elements have also been integrated into the Vale Production System (VPS). Key performance indicators are used to gauge progress in strategic areas and to monitor processes in the coming years. 

 In 2021, we introduced Ecos Pulse, a survey designed to assess employee perceptions of our cultural transformation, enhance engagement, and measure the impact of changes. In 2023, more than 38,000 employees responded to the survey, offering their views on culture, leadership, careers, well-being, and belonging. 

  • Culture supporting the Vale of the Future
  • Expanded digital inclusion
  • Organization-wide development initiatives
  • Front-line leader experience
  • Deep-dive into Operations
Local talent: Provide visibility, training and growth opportunities for talents from regions and countries that are less represented in leadership positions within the company. 
PwDs: Support the inclusion of people with disabilities through training and physical and digital accessibility. 

Our initiatives and improving metrics show that we are making progress, but we recognize there are still gaps and we have a long way to go in promoting equity and effective inclusion. Below, we spotlight key initiatives from the past three years that have helped to drive improvement:  

  • Since 2019, when we set our goal of doubling the share of women in our workforce, from 13% to 26%, we have achieved a 57% increase in the number of female employees in various departments, demonstrating our ability to attract and hire women for traditionally male-dominated roles;

  • We have made a concerted effort to select and hire female engineers, analysts, and managers. In 2022, we launched a Professional Training Program (PFP) offering more than 1,200 vacancies for women in operational roles;

  • Vale has established affinity groups to foster discussion and share ideas, including groups for: women (in Brazil and Canada), ethnic and racial equity, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTI+ (Brazil and Canada);

  • We have joined the Racial Equity Movement (Mover) in Brazil, a collaborative initiative with 46 other companies to expand opportunities for black individuals, reduce inequality, and fight systemic racism in the workplace;

  • Vale has subscribed to the Racial Equity Pledge, an initiative aimed at implementing an ESG Racial Protocol for Brazil, and we have introduced a new development track on Racial Literacy;

  • We have achieved a 5.4% share of people with disabilities; 350 individuals have benefited from our Potencializando Talentos PcD (“Empowering PwD Talent”) program, an initiative that aims to empower people with disabilities by cultivating their capabilities, potential, and a fresh perspective in confronting challenges;

  • Our Global Trainee Program works to select diverse talents. In our 2022 selection process in Brazil, 67% of 113 selected trainees were women and 71% self-identified as Black or Brown; In 2023, this program focused on local talent from the states of Pará and Maranhão, with 94% of vacancies being filled by professionals from these regions.   

  • In 2022, we launched the following affirmative action programs: Empowering Black Talent, Empowering PwD Talent, Career Acceleration for Black Women, and the Impulsiona program, directed to disadvantage black women;  

  • We have redoubled our efforts to combat harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. These efforts include: our No to Harassment webpage, a source of information on this topic; an improved support channel for employees facing sexual harassment or discrimination; and a newly launched training program, titled “React - Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace,” newly launched in 2022. 

  • Launch in 2022 of the Develop PA/MA Program, which aims to develop and attract local talent in the states of Pará and Maranhão. Among the actions carried out in 2023, the main ones are: Inclusion of preferential vacancies for local talent, with a 90% take-up rate; Jornada para o Futuro (Journey to the Future) program, which has already impacted more than 1,300 people aged between 21 and 25 and aims to prepare young people in the soft skills required by the employment market; Offering 65 postgraduate and master's degree scholarships free of charge to the Pará community; and development of the internal dashboard of local talent indicators so that the leadership can visualize important information for managing and recruiting this public. 

Empresa Cidadã 

Healthcare for indigenous peoples 

Commitments and targets 

  • Double the share of women in the workforce, from 13% (2019) to 26% by 2025. 

  • Achieve 40% of leadership roles (managers and above) held by black individuals by 2026. 

  • Achieve 50% reduction in exposure to health-hazardous agents in the workplace by 2025. 

  • Achieve zero recordable high-potential (L2) injuries by 2025. 

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We strive to attract and retain the best professionals who align with our purpose and culture, and to achieve our ambition of being recognized as a talent-driven organization. Throughout Brazil, we use a strategic recruitment approach aligned with the Vale Performance System (VPS), focusing on the candidate experience and using artificial intelligence for precise profile searches, with diversity as an underpinning pillar of our strategy for attracting and selecting talents. In 2021, we launched a program to roll out these practices globally, starting with Canada.  

We have also developed an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) outlining attributes of our organizational culture and workplace experience for employees and target candidates. The EVP describes the core attributes and themes that inform all our employer branding activities and communications. It provides a framework for the underlying content used in messaging and a communication strategy to bring our culture to life and connect with different candidate groups.  

Explore some of Vale's talent attraction programs:  

New Graduates Program – Vale  

Opportunities for Students – Vale 

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Vale's Archive

Legal working hours in countries where Vale operates