Mining By Woman
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- Transform Together
- Vale will start tests to implement autonomous operation in off-road trucks in Carajás
- 50 years of partnership between Vale and China
- Programa de Aceleração de Mulheres Negras
- Snolab
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para novembro
- 2022 Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders
- Instituto Cultural Vale celebra Maria Firmina dos Reis e leva o Maranhão à 20ª FLIP
- At a UN event, Malu Paiva highlights projects supported by the Vale Foundation to generate income for women in high social vulnerability
- Vale: for 80 years transforming the future
- Vale 80 years: discover stories of those who help us write ours
- 80 anos Vale: como chegamos até você
- Plano Diretor Ambiental de Tubarão
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para dezembro
- Vale Day 2022 in New York
- 80 anos Vale: para além da mineração
- Dia Internacional Contra a Corrupção: nossos executivos lembram a importância do tema
- Projeto das novas pontes sobre o Rio Tocantins, em Marabá (PA), contribui para desenvolvimento socioeconômico da região
- Programa Valorizar premia organizações sociais de Barão de Cocais e Santa Bárbara
- Conheça a cultura do Pará na websérie “Papo de Raiz”
- Vale to hold event at United Nations Water Conference
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para janeiro
- 4Q22 Sales and Production report
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para fevereiro
- Energia para transformar o futuro: assista aos novos episódios de “Juntos para Transformar” no YouTube
- Check out the 4Q22 Financial Results
- Women who transform science and inspire new professionals
- PT Vale and PT BNSI Inaugurate the Construction of the Integrated Low Carbon Nickel Mining and Processing Project in Morowali
- Viva Engage Vale
- Museu Vale apresenta exposição sobre Leonardo Da Vinci
- Annual and Extraordinary Meetings of Shareholders
- Alteração nas alíquotas de ICMS
- Confira as operações no Maranhão que voltarão a ser tributadas pelo ICMS a partir de 1º de abril
- A nova edição do Balanço Vale+ já está disponível!
- 1Q23 Sales and Production report
- Check out the 1Q23 financial report
- Programa Valorizar premia instituições em 8 municípios
- Nova sede da Escola Municipal Meridional será entregue no começo do segundo semestre
- TRSP Requirements and Application Form
- TCA Praia de Camburi
- Chamada Instituto Cultural Vale
- 1º Edital Uso Futuro MAC
- Programa de Descaracterização de barragens a montante avança
- Obras de descaracterização começam em mais uma estrutura a montante da Vale: o Dique 1A
- Participe da etapa de Capacitação do Programa Valorizar – Caeté (MG)
- Reorganização de Metais Básicos no Brasil: fornecedores devem ficar atentos aos novos CNPJs
- Circuito Corrida Vale 2024 – Juntos para transformar
- 2Q23 Sales and Production report
- Conselheiro Lafaiete recebe novo prédio da Escola Municipal Meridional
- Check out the 2Q23 Financials Results
- Festivais de Inverno em Minas Gerais
- Reorganização de Metais Básicos no Brasil: Confira o procedimento para Retorno de Conserto de Materiais enviados no CNPJ Vale anterior
- Vale promove nova edição do Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho
- Prêmio Valor Inovação 2023 elege a Vale como a mais inovadora do setor de Mineração
- Bienal das Amazônias reunirá mais de 120 artistas
- Festival Vale Amazônia
- Fluxos para solicitação de reanálise de indenizações por danos à saúde mental em Brumadinho
- Projeto MAC Uso Futuro
- Balanço Vale+: Edição 1º Semestre de 2023
- Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho chega em Ourilândia do Norte e Região
- Indonesia Sustainability Forum 2023
- Vale abre inscrições para o Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho (PPMT) em Canaã dos Carajás
- Check the 3Q23 performance report dates
- Iron Ore Briquettes
- The 3Q23 sales and production report
- Resultados de vendas e produção 3t23
- Check out the 3Q23 Financials Results
- Amazon
- Resultados do Edital Uso Futuro
- Vale Day 2023 London, UK
- Vale Day 2023 London, UK 2
- Vale Day 2023 London, UK 3
- 4Q23 sales and production report
- Check out the 4Q23 performance report dates
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para Fevereiro
- Movimentações em janeiro: saiba quais foram as mudanças no nosso time no início de 2024
- Check out the 4Q23 Financials Results
- 2024 Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings
- Projeto Apolo
- Simulado de Segurança de Barragens - Itabira Eixo Norte
- Vale patrocina a Festa da Penha e encanta fiéis com ações especiais
- 1Q24 Production and Sales report
- Programa para pessoas recém-formadas em Engenharia
- Check out the 1Q24 performance report dates
- Check out the 1Q24 Financials Results
- Simulado de Segurança de barragens da mina de Águas Claras, em Nova Lima
- Programa Valorizar 2024: Barão de Cocais e Santa Bárbara
- Programa Desenvolver
- Inscreva-se para o processo seletivo do Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho
- Juntos pelo Rio Grande do Sul
- Discover your realm of possibilities
- See the mining in your life
- Descaracterização da barragem B3/B4
- Atenção fornecedor: aprenda a identificar quando um e-mail em nome da Vale é verdadeiro
- We are committed to building a better Manjung through impactful social investments
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para julho de 2024
- Nova estrutura da contenção a jusante no Sistema Pontal
- 2Q24 Vale’s Performance
- 2Q24 performance report dates
- Check out the 2Q24 Financials Result
- Mais segurança: Barragem Sul Superior deixa nível máximo de emergência
- 2024 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
- Estágio de Nível Superior para Metais Básicos - Exclusivo Pará
- Confira a programação de agosto do Parque Botânico São Luís
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para agosto
- Vale é destaque em eficiência energética em podcast do MIT Technology Review
- Vale ganha o primeiro lugar do Prêmio Valor Inovação 2024 como a mais inovadora do setor de Mineração, Metalurgia e Siderurgia
- Vale abre inscrições para o Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho (PPMT) em Canaã dos Carajás
- Participe da Corrida e Caminhada Metais Básicos
- Confira a programação de setembro do Parque Botânico São Luís
- Parque Costeiro
- Inscreva-se para o processo seletivo do Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho em Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro
- 3
- Confira a programação de outubro do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de outubro do Parque Botânico Vale
- 3Q24 performance report dates
- Parceria + Segura: Vale promove Evento de Premiação e Reconhecimento de Fornecedores
- Vale abre 20 vagas na área de Tecnologia e Inovação em três estados do Brasil
- Check out the Production and Sales results for 3Q24
- Check out the 3Q24 Financial Results
- Confira a programação de novembro do Parque Costeiro
- Vale day 2024
- Confira a programação de dezembro do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de dezembro do Parque Costeiro
- Confira a programação de janeiro do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de janeiro do Parque Costeiro
- 4Q24 performance report dates
- Check out the 4Q24 Financial Results
- Check out the Production and Sales results for 4Q24
- Confira a programação de fevereiro do Parque Botânico Vale
- Confira a programação de fevereiro do Parque Costeiro
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação de fevereiro
- Vale announces R$70 billion investment in New Carajás Program in Pará by 2030 at ceremony with President Lula
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- Confira a programação de março do Parque Botânico Vale
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Mining By Woman
The videos were produced during the pandemic and have complied with all the recommendations on Covid-19 prevention and social distancing. Almost all of the images were captured remotely and were often filmed by the characters themselves
A project conceived and directed by woman for everybody
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Bringing diversity shows us that we want to improve, we want to bring a new perspective. We had hits and misses at various times and now we want to go along with a different vision. And this different vision needs to include different people.
When I tell my story, I am very proud, because going through all I went through as a woman is different than if I were a man. I'm in an area that has always been dominated by men and, when you are a woman, you need to deconstruct many myths and show that yes, you can be in a leadership position in a male team with a lot of expertise.
Women are very careful with what they do, they can really look at the details, I think it's a feminine feature, we can talk about that. And I think that when we talk about the care we have to have with the environment, a woman in front of a process like this manages to have this vision of total zeal that the environment needs to have.
Listen to your people, your employees. Make sure they have a voice and that they know that they have a voice. You can’t fix what you don’t know. So it’s important to people feel confortable to bring their concerns, issues or even ideas and suggestions to improve things. We, leaders, need to be open. If you are not open, it makes hard to be a good leader.
All episodes
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Manoela Isidro,
Risk Insurance Master AnalystI have been at Vale for 14 years and, in half of that time, I was led by women. They held positions that, in other companies, were mostly held by men. This showed me that we were not limited and helped me to put into perspective the possibilities I would have within the company [...] It was important to be inspired by them to not give up and remember that it is possible to face challenges within this environment considered masculine and succeed
Vivian Parreira,
Supervisora de Operações FerroviáriasEm nenhum momento, passou pela minha cabeça ser maquinista [...] Já os meus colegas (homens), quase todos sonhavam em ser maquinistas desde criancinha [...] Esse projeto serve para mostrar que existem mais portas para serem abertas, não só aquelas que estamos acostumadas a ver.
Kamylle Santos,
Geoprocessing Technician III was talking to some colleagues who said that in the past you didn’t see many women in the operational areas of the company, only in the offices, but then they started to occupy these spaces [...] I started here at Vale at the age of 21, in 2010, and I was the first intern and first technician in Geoprocessing at ports throughout the company. I am very happy to have arrived here and hope to inspire other women.
Kamylle Santos,
Geoprocessing Technician III was talking to some colleagues who said that in the past you didn’t see many women in the operational areas of the company, only in the offices, but then they started to occupy these spaces [...] I started here at Vale at the age of 21, in 2010, and I was the first intern and first technician in Geoprocessing at ports throughout the company. I am very happy to have arrived here and hope to inspire other women.
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Amanda Lírio,
Mining EngineerWhen I was selected for the 2020 Global Trainee Program, it was the first time I felt my black voice from the edge of society be heard. I wanted to see more black women in the more technical areas, which are dominated by white men [...] On my team, we have a strong example, a black woman in management. This not only inspires me, but sends a message: we're going to see more and more scenes like this and that's what Vale wants.
Stephanie Almeida,
Short-Term GeologistI, Stepanhie, am the first geologist from Pará to work in short-term geology at S11D [...] Where I came from, there were no other 'Stephanies'. I was the first in the family to get a college degree. Where I come from, no one went up in life by studying. I come from a place with few resources [...] The message I want to get across is: guys, it might be hard, but it's not impossible!
Josiany Nunes,
Occupational Safety Technician III always thought I was someone who was inferior compared to others, since I was a child. Mostly due to the colour of my skin and height. Thanks to my coordinator, I managed to overcome this [...] With him, I learned that I am no less than anyone else. Now, I have the courage to go into executive management meetings and be the first to speak
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Angélica Azevedo,
Administrative AssistantWhen I was being interviewed, I asked “Will I be able to grow here at Vale? I don't want to be stagnant like I was at other companies where I worked. I want to develop”. My manager at the time said that I would have all the support I needed for my development here. And it has been that way to this day. I learn something new every day and I have the support of my team and management.
Marilia Andrade,
Administrative Assistant IIPeople didn't think that I would be able to join Vale and stay. I´m here today and December marks my 11-year anniversary at the company [...] When I joined the company, I only had a high school diploma. I am currently finishing my degree in Human Resources. [...] I'm really proud of that.
Sarah Lopes,
Contract Management AnalystPeople are not used to seeing people with disabilities and, sometimes, they look at me weird because of this, because they are not used to it. The more disabled people enter the labour market and occupy spaces, the less “weird” it will be.
Silvia Cristina do Carmo,
Equipment and Installation Operator IHere, I can express my opinions, I am heard, and I think this is very important. When we take a stand, we contribute to the whole.
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Kelly Silva,
Installations Equipment Operator IIIFor me, it is a great merit to be part of S11D´s history, the largest iron ore project in the world. I am very happy to maintain direct interaction with mine supervision, open dialogue with my team and our leadership and see that everything has changed. Vale is undergoing a transformation. We are a more humane and prejudice free Vale
Camilla Szerman,
EngineerI see my team as an inspiration. There are a lot of women, black people and LGBT people, all in an operational and front line area. I believe that a team as diverse as mine already says a lot, doesn´t it? It shows the change in leadership behavior and this is a reflection of the cultural transformation that Vale has been implementing
Rosileide Silva,
Administrative Assistant IIWe need to give people a voice, listen and, above all, learn from them. That is what Mining by Women is all about. It's great to have this moment. My wish is that it repeats itself and inspires many people to be the leader of their own stories inside and outside of Vale
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Kelly Silva,
Installations Equipment Operator IIIFor me, it is a great merit to be part of S11D´s history, the largest iron ore project in the world. I am very happy to maintain direct interaction with mine supervision, open dialogue with my team and our leadership and see that everything has changed. Vale is undergoing a transformation. We are a more humane and prejudice free Vale
Camilla Szerman,
EngineerI see my team as an inspiration. There are a lot of women, black people and LGBT people, all in an operational and front line area. I believe that a team as diverse as mine already says a lot, doesn´t it? It shows the change in leadership behavior and this is a reflection of the cultural transformation that Vale has been implementing
Rosileide Silva,
Administrative Assistant IIWe need to give people a voice, listen and, above all, learn from them. That is what Mining by Women is all about. It's great to have this moment. My wish is that it repeats itself and inspires many people to be the leader of their own stories inside and outside of Vale
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Marcely Lima,
Rail Yard Engineer and Safety LeaderMy daily routine is the operation of a 1.1km train, with 110 railroad cars. I can say that women can be wherever they want to be. And Vale gives opportunities for women to make it happen.
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Michelle Almeida,
'Female' DeckhandWhat we do requires a certain kind of strength. Works that apparently belong to men, like pulling a cable. Women have the ability to do these things.
Thaís Araujo,
ElectricianWhen I was hired in the electrical maintenance area of the plant, I was the only woman on my team. But I have never felt less capable than men.
Débora Mendonça,
Environmental AnalystI have a job that is really lined up with my purpose. [...] I am the curator of our entomological collection. It is a collection of preserved insects and it is the basis for the research development by various institutions in the country. It is important for scientific knowledge and technological innovation
Josiane Dias,
Truck DriverWhen I started, I didn't feel any prejudice from either the people or the team. On the contrary, everyone helped me and still helps me, they are wonderful people.
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Rosilane Duarte,
'Off-Highway Truck OperatorWhen I got close and looked at the size of the truck, I was amazed, I thought I could never do it. I even told my colleague - what are we doing here? (...) But we got used to it, the fear passed and it was great.
Heloísa Oliveira ,
Executive Manager of Mariana ComplexMy daughter,s name is Mariana, she carries the name of the complex that I work for. I met my husband in the city of Mariana, when I moved here. That name makes perfect sense to us. I only came to the city of Mariana because of this work. When I go to a meeting and say Mariana Complex, it is full of love.
Adriana Lourenço,
Equipment InstructorWe can't miss the rhythm. I had an important experience with my special son and today I see that anything is possible, as long as we are organized. It is not easy, everything is very well worked. But it was worth it and it is still is. And I am always in continuous growth
Miriam Souza,
Occupational Safety TechnicianWhat surprises people the most is me being an operator, who worked with large machines and when I say that today I am in the security area. That is an area that requires a lot, because I pass on my knowledge to people
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Gabriela Castro,
Mine Equipment Maintenance Manager“I know I had many opportunities at Vale. Since the day I joined Vale, I said I wanted to be a leader. And things have happened. We must be sure and clear about what we want and speak up. This is a woman's place.”
Sâmia Nunes,
Researcher at Vale Institute of Technology“I found out I was pregnant in May. Vale's support has been impressive regarding my health and my baby’s. We have access to information and we’re always involved in programs on the subject. (...) It’s a very attentive team that has helped me a lot.”
Kilma Cunha,
Mine Operation Manager“I manage a team of 310 employees. (...) I’m very proud of what I do because I like my job. I love mining; I like managing people and talking to the team. I can balance my personal and professional life but it requires a lot of discipline.”
Pamella Almeida,
Conveyor Belt Maintenance Technician“It was not easy to be where I am today. I bring my willpower and willing to make a difference at work, in our family, and in the world. It’s about conquering your space and showing that you’re competent.”
Rosivânia França,
Maintenance Technical Assistant“When I joined the team, there was only one woman. It’s very pleasing to see more women joining the company in management positions. I always say that I’m a fan of the girls who work at the operations. A woman's place is wherever she wants to be, including the electrics area.”
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Evanielly Heredia,
Mobile Equipment Operator“I always want to learn more. I try to do my best at work and devote myself as much as possible. (...) You wonder so many things, to be there and watch things happen... it's magic. Everything requires study and knowledge.”
Ellen Gaspar,
Laboratory Technician III“Everything I do today, I learned at Vale's lab. I've learned and I'm still learning. But I also see myself as an example for other girls because I've been here longer.”
Daniele Pippus,
Emergency and Health Supervisor“I really like my job. I've always worked in the support area, dealing with people. It's very pleasing to me. I know I can help and contribute, then I will spare no effort.”
Aline Pedro,
Administrative Assistant“I was the first woman to join the team, but it was nice because I was warmly welcomed by them. Over the years, I've seen more women joining my area and I'm happy about it.”
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Amna Al Mamari,
Administrative Specialist“To be a muslim does not mean to have a blocked mind. Islam is not like that. Islam is not a obstacle for your improvement, you can grow and improve yourself. You work, you can travel, you can achive your goals, you can do what you want”
Theresa Nyabeze,
Senior Mine Engineer“Everybody can teach somebody something. And I think that part of this journey that we are on for diversity and inclusion is going to be enable to buy a cultural mentorship. And that is a mentorship between people who are different from each other, so that we can all be learning and growing together.”
Nella Yunita,
Eletrician II“Electrician isn´t more a masculine field. When I started, people doubted me, interfere me. (...) Even my father was worried for me working on the field. But I prove to him, I passed all the tests, I said that he didn´t have to worry about my decision. “
Renata Zingre,
Country Manager at Vale in Switzerland“Motherhood has taught me a lot; it taught me to show empathy with people and be more objective at work. (...) By the time my two children were born, I worked at Vale; it is a huge challenge working in a 24-hour operations company, in different time zones, and being a mother.”
Mira Noronha,
Global Talent Acquisition Manager“You have the power to change people's life – people around you at the workplace. When you understand this power and potential, you realize it can be an opportunity to change the country.”
Women are conquering their space within the mining industry and from now on their presence will only increase.
We have set a goal to double the representation of women in our workforce by 2030 and will work tirelessly to make them feel represented in an environment that is truly inclusive for all.
Flavia Constant
Social Investment and Culture Executive Manager
I would advise men and women to never give up of: respect; the capacity for reflection before acting; sensitivity to their action effects on others; and the interest and continuous search for learning, especially in the social field. All of this goes through patience and the ability to listen/reading. For women, in particular, I would add an extra dose of courage to take a stand, without giving up what they effectively believe to be right.
Vira Silva
Trade Finance Manager
To all the women out there who would like to be a leader, my advice is the following: inspire people to want to do more and to believe in themselves. Always make sure that there is space for open dialogue and resilience and strive to develop within your field.
Tharshiny SanthakumarChief Global Trainee
I aim to break the stereotype that some industries are only suited to a specific gender. Women should be able to work in any industry they choose, and I would like to be a representation in the mining industry to other women out there. I think when women see more representation of themselves in a certain industry, they will be comfortable and drawn to explore a career in a male dominated industry.
Adriana Peri
Lab Worker
The planning area, to which I belong, is led and made up
mostly of women, the management is also led by a woman, for me
this was a very positive surprise because in my experience it
was not usual to see so many women in positions of leadership
in the industrial sector. It is very motivating to see that
growth opportunities exist regardless of gender and that there
is no prejudice of conflict with personal life for women.
Vânia Neves
Don't stop dreaming of what you want and don't give up before
the difficulties. Invest in self-knowledge to understand your
strengths and weaknesses, seeking continuous improvement. Seek
mentorship and connections for learning and help in the
reflections about career. Be humble and open to learn and
unlearn, whenever necessary, because opportunities arise from
our ability to adapt. Help other people grow, because we don't
get anywhere alone.
Ludmila Nascimento
Executive Manager of the Energy area
The advice that I would give to women seeking to occupy management positions is to study, read about the different areas involved, and especially have conversations and build a network in which these exchanges can take place. Learning with others is always the quickest and most fulfilling way to build up your knowledge base.
Global Trainee
I aim to break the stereotype that some industries are only suited to a specific gender. Women should be able to work in any industry they choose, and I would like to be a representation in the mining industry to other women out there. I think when women see more representation of themselves in a certain industry, they will be comfortable and drawn to explore a career in a male dominated industry.
Sandra Martins
Commercial Coordinator, Programming
I am an Industrial Engineer, and since I decided to pursue this career, I was challenged both in the family and in the professional sphere. I believe that women who are professionals, especially in professions that are traditionally attended mostly by men, the challenge of demonstrating our ability is constant. That makes us as women develop a lot of empathy and resilience, adapting to challenging environments.
Kasturi Bhai Anndy
Deshnee Naidoo
Executive Vice President of Base Metal
opportunities so be prepared to seize those opportunities and
create don't wait for an opportunity to come your way, also
create a few. And my advice to young women who also want to
think about family: don't think it's one or the other, it can
definitely work, I've lived my life looking at an integrated
model, I think now especially with work from home that's
definitely possible. Think about support networks and think
about partnerships in this space.
Nurfatiha Aishah
Occupational Safety Technician I
We all see, day by day, the involvement of women in this field is growing. Women bring a different lens to the industry and its more holistic. I am very very fortunate to have 6 amazing women colleagues together within the team. They aspire me by exchanging a lot of ideas, constructive criticism, we learn together, and this help me to improve my daily life and career.
Vanessa Duprat
Iron Ore Sales Administration Technical Leader
There were always situations in which I could sense some prejudice and gender stereotype. As an example, I remember when I had to fire someone for the first time in my career, my superior said to me that I would be uncapable to do it because I’m “too kind and a sensitive person." Instead of support and training, I found misjudgment. Being empathetic and human doesn’t mean I’m incapable to make difficult decisions and doing what is the right thing to do. On the other hand, it helps to construct connections, brings meaning and purpose and as a consequence, it helps to perform.
Neeta Rai
Jessica Rideout
Global Trainee
Salma Ghaithi
Experience Project Engineer
Coming from a conservative society to work in a prominently male-dominated industry might seem challenging for us, females. However, I honestly think it is a privilege. It is an opportunity to prove myself to myself first and to others second that boundaries are merely mental or cultural than physical. As a proud mother, I feel grateful to all previous and existing Vale females around the world and through its history who inspire me and my colleagues and keep proofing day-by-day that we, like our male colleagues, are equally capable to prevail and shine in the mining industry.
Vanessa Duprat
Iron Ore Sales Administration Technical Leader
There were always situations in which I could sense some prejudice and gender stereotype. As an example, I remember when I had to fire someone for the first time in my career, my superior said to me that I would be uncapable to do it because I’m “too kind and a sensitive person." Instead of support and training, I found misjudgment. Being empathetic and human doesn’t mean I’m incapable to make difficult decisions and doing what is the right thing to do. On the other hand, it helps to construct connections, brings meaning and purpose and as a consequence, it helps to perform.
Massiel Callo Monroy
Renata Nicolato Genelhu
Port Process Engineer
My advice to women is to be humble with wisdom, courage,
interest and the goal to be better. Listen, learn, give your
opinion, be firm and feel the responsibility of being a woman.
Today, your attitude opens doors for thousands of other women
to go through.
Olivia Bravo
Communication Supervisor
My team is mostly made up of women. And, like men, they are listened to, challenged and are not spared from tasks. I always support them in any challenge they want to pursue. I believe that when a woman accepts a challenge, we have won a cause.
Giselle Pacheco
Port Operations Technician
At no time did I feel inferior or incapable of performing tasks that men do. On the contrary, being a woman and being in an area considered masculine helped me to see the strong woman within me that I didn't even know existed.
Viviane Souza
Rabab Al Farsi
Human Resources Experienced Specialist
Dayana Macedo
Prog. Main. Plan. Technician II
I joined Vale in 2010 as an operational trainee and I have never faced any problems for being a woman. For me, seeing more women in mining is a source of great pride, as it reinforces that we have the right to be wherever we want.
Tracy Xie
President in China
At no time did I feel inferior or incapable of performing tasks that men do. On the contrary, being a woman and being in an area considered masculine helped me to see the strong woman within me that I didn't even know existed.
Claudia Amezquita
Health and Safety
Senior Analyst
For the women who are interested in mining, my advice is persevering that everything you want to do can fulfill, make a difference and have confidence in yourselves.
Pamela Tan
Being an “outsider” – from a country where mining is not a
traditional industry, being female, and especially in the
early years of my career, people were doubting my ability
especially when I don’t speak the same “lingo”. It doesn’t
help that my role as an auditor made people highly sensitive
naturally. However, it helped me to always be humble and
respectful, have an open and inquisitive mindset, and
communicate transparently and empathetically.
Kimberley Morrissey-Burton
Chief Mine Geologist
Vale's culture is one of those that I am proud to be part of - a safety conscious environment that invests in people and promotes a diverse and inclusive work environment; respect and collaboration; improving together to achieve common goals. I encourage more women to consider careers in geoscience and the mining industry, as the opportunities are vast.
Ana Paula Cardoso
Lab Worker
I see Vale's role in hiring and promoting women as a great incentive for them to constantly dedicate themselves and reach ever higher levels. My advice to those who want to work in mining is: have dedication and willpower, because you can always get where you want to go.
Eri Nagata
Supervisor of Administration
The mining industry’s image might be the one that men have more advantage than women until now. But recently, this image are changing to the one in which men and women are equally treated.
Patrícia Rodrigues
International Treasury Executive Manager and Country Manager
for the Netherlands
I am one out of the two first women attending and graduating at ITA, in Brazil, and I am very proud of, since then, pioneering the path for women in usually male environment. I am sure there is nothing women cannot do, it just a matter of willingness and determination!
Patrícia Rodrigues
International Treasury Executive Manager and Country Manager
for the Netherlands
I am one out of the two first women attending and graduating at ITA, in Brazil, and I am very proud of, since then, pioneering the path for women in usually male environment. I am sure there is nothing women cannot do, it just a matter of willingness and determination!
Jenny WU
Finance Manager
Working in Vale I would not even feel a hint that women and man can be differently, which was perceived in mining industry. Our country manager is women and recently our office hired 10 management trainees from thousands of candidates and 9 are women. The advice I would give for who are interested in mining will be: life is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to have vision, plan, patience and resilience. Women are capable doing anything you are willing.
Karla Zambrano
Information Management Analyst Senior
When I became a mother, I heard once that I had to choose between being a mother or a professional. Now they are situations that cause me humor, and I think those comments helped me to become the professional that I am now, collapsing wrong beliefs.
Sui Ling Phang
Master Analyst- Market Intelligence
The world is rapidly evolving and every company needs good talent, regardless of their gender. Now is the best time to join the mining industry especially because it leverages on critical thinking skills and advancement in technologies. As long as you have the dedication, you can be confident that the mining world is your oyster.
Evy Nuruwael
Senior Mine Operator
In general, there is an opinion that women are not suitable to work in heavy industries. But in this era, we see more and more women who want to join or already have positions in Vale. And this can increase the confidence of the female workforce in pursuing their dreams. Prepare yourself, keep the spirit. Having self-confidence is one of the keys to survive in a male-dominated industry like mining.
Beatriz Gomes
Port Operation Technician II
Seeing how much Vale has invested in women is gratifying. We have more and more space and opportunities to show how much we are capable of achieving everything we aspire to. My advice to those who want to enter the industry is: don’t be afraid of the new. Be determined and never bow your head when you feel oppressed by the fact of being women, show, through professionalism, ethics, conduct and commitment.
Lidiane S. C. Lima
Ship Loading and Unloading Inspector
In all the sectors I worked in before mining, I always felt oppressed and often seen as an object. Society has this tendency to put women in uncomfortable situations. But, in mining, we feel welcomed and respected at our posts and we are not measured by our physical appearance, but by our professionalism. I feel safe and I encourage women to enter this industry.
Jalila Al Zadjali
Head of Environment
I recently joined Vale Oman as Head of Environment and I was impressed to see how women are becoming a major contributor to the success of the Mining Industry and I’m confident that more women are on their way to being leaders in this field.
Fabiola Thompson
Copper Sales Manager
While it’s true that commercial roles within the mining industry tend to be overrepresented by men, which can be intimating for women looking to enter the industry, times are changing and Vale is at the forefront of that movement. Vale has given me many opportunities and I have proven that women bring the same competences & capabilities as men. Don’t let yourself be intimated by the male predominance in the field. Join us and let’s make a difference.
Randa Assaad
Head Sales Account -North Africa
The path to success is filled with obstacles and hardship especially for women in the mining industry. Looking back, I feel proud of the woman I am today as I managed to build a career path paved with numerous successful milestones, perseverance and hard work. The road is still long and I am looking forward for more challenges and more success proving that nothing is impossible for any woman to achieve. The sky is our limit!
Lidiane S. C. Lima
Ship Loading and Unloading Inspector
In all the sectors I worked in before mining, I always felt oppressed and often seen as an object. Society has this tendency to put women in uncomfortable situations. But, in mining, we feel welcomed and respected at our posts and we are not measured by our physical appearance, but by our professionalism. I feel safe and I encourage women to enter this industry.
Dian Try Saputri
Supervisor Process Plant Planning & Control
Show your skills and dedication, then we can compete with anyone. Working in a mining processing plant that is synonymous with a masculine world, makes me even more challenged to show that women can do it too!
Rhiannon Laker-Davies
Business Support Superintendentl
The journey to becoming a female worker in our industry starts before the job application and begins with young women being encouraged to view working in this type of industry as an exciting opportunity for them.
Nurussaadah Binti Zulkifli
Export Inspection Supervisor
I used to hear people saying, “it’s a man’s world”, but look at what women have achieved in Vale these days. Many women have proven to be the best in what they do - and I aspire to become like them one day. So ladies, be confident, speak boldly and be proactive. We can do it too!
Magaly Venancio
Sustainability Analyst – Environment
The mining industry is a very broad and beautiful sector that is made up of trained people, not matter gender, race, culture, what really matters is that you are willing to face continuous challenges and enjoy what you do. Be empowered women with no doubts about your knowledge, abilities and of what you have been prepared for.
Bertha Matope Kanjere
HR Business Partner
When I feel included I am more motivated to give in more time and energy in my work. When I see my employer is focusing on accepting diversity and create social norms for inclusion, I feel welcome and engaged this encourages me to be more creative. I become a participant not a spectator
Monica Philippsen
Process Control Technician II
Being a woman has never hindered my professional trajectory in mining. I've always been very positive about my goals and sure about my interest in the industry. I believe that the female presence in these environments is important to break paradigms and show that a woman's place is wherever she wants it to be.
Chuan Han
Master Analyst, Corporate Integrity
In addition to the environment, including senior tone and male peers/professionals, playing an important role in helping your female peers feel included, it is important as women to be confident and also to break the mindset that our gender limits us to certain sectors or functions. With the passion and determination, it is possible to excel anywhere, including the mining industry.
Magaly Venancio
Sustainability Analyst – Environment
The mining industry is a very broad and beautiful sector that is made up of trained people, not matter gender, race, culture, what really matters is that you are willing to face continuous challenges and enjoy what you do. Be empowered women with no doubts about your knowledge, abilities and of what you have been prepared for.
We are writing history together for the mining industry and want you to be a part of it
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