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Metodologias e mapeamentos de análise de risco

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

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Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA) 

HIRA is an exercise designed to identify and assess risks including underlying hazards, existing safeguards, and the criticality of existing risks to people, environment, assets and the business. The purpose of HIRA is to: 

Identify and assess high-severity or large-extent operational hazards  

Identify and establish performance criteria  

Ensure appropriate critical controls are in place 

Permit to Work (PtW) 

First implemented on May 1, 2020 as part of ongoing safety initiatives, Vale’s new Permit to Work system is an operational process designed to reduce the risk of high-consequence accidents by placing people at the forefront of decision-making. 
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Critical Activities Requirements (CARs) 

CARs are life-saving requirements that employees are required to apply in tasks classified as critical due to historical fatalities and serious accidents within Vale and the broader mining industry.  

Activities identified as posing a high safety risk to employees include:

Work at height 

Light commercial vehicles 

Mobile equipment 

Molten metal

 Blocking, identification and zero energy


Confined spaces 

Machine guarding 


Electrical work 

Molten metal

Molten metal

Molten metal 

Our Golden Rules  

Recognizing that workplace risks can harm the physical integrity of our employees, we have prevention and mitigation controls in place that employees are required to follow. These include the Golden Rules, a set of health and safety rules that Vale employees and contractors must commit to observe. These rules establish basic requirements for performing tasks and are not a substitute for other health and safety requirements.   

The Golden Rules are common across all our operations. They include a culture and operational discipline component that supports initiatives addressing employee and contractor behavior and conduct. The focus of the Golden Rules is on eliminating and/or reducing fatalities and high-consequence incidents. 

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The following are some of our most significant safety initiatives: 

Safety transformation program 

Launched in 2020 to enhance safety performance through technology, this program has supported our target to relocate 100% of fixed workstations outside the Self-Rescue Zones (SRZ)* at all Vale sites in Brazil. The program is also implementing access control for workers within the SRZ, including both employees and contractors, to ensure full visibility of all personnel working in or accessing the SRZ and to inform assessments of whether tasks performed within the SRZ are compliant with applicable legislation.   

The goal in the program is to leverage innovation and technology investment to: i) create technological barriers to high-consequence incidents; ii) implement remote or autonomous operation technology; and iii) enhance data analytics support for decision-making. Some of the early outcomes from these initiatives include a reduction in high-consequence events involving motor vehicles, mobile equipment and lockout-tagout, and expanded remote sensing and operation capabilities at Hazard Level 2 and 3 dams. 

Emergency Response Plan 

All dams in Brazil that are subject to the National Dam Safety Policy (PNSB) have developed site-specific Mining Dam Emergency Response Plans. These plans outline actions to be taken in response to an emergency in order to minimize impacts on communities, the environment and cultural heritage in downstream areas. 

Learn more here