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Dams, Reparation

Vale reopens registration for R$15,000.00 donation in Brumadinho

Amount is intended for those who carried out rural or commercial activities in the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS)

On Wednesday (20/2), Vale reopens registration for R$15,000.00 donation to those who carried out rural or commercial activities in the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) of the Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM) in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Registration for the R$50,000.00 donation to those who lived in Self-Rescue Zone remains open. So far, 197 people have registered for this donation.

The registration had been on hold, awaiting review by Vale and the Public Defender's Office of the State of Minas Gerais. It will now be held at the Brumadinho Knowledge Center, on weekdays, from 9:00 to 18:00. Mini-vans will be available to take the applicants to the site.

It is important to highlight that this financial aid is separate from any indemnities, which will be agreed between the interested parties together with the authorities. Donations can be cumulative if the person fits in more than one of the established categories: residence, rural productive activity or commercial activity.
What is the Self-Rescue Zone?
The Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) comprises the region downstream of the dam, extending up to 10km.
Who can receive the donation:
Vale will provide a single R$50,000.00 donation per residence, even if more than one family lived in the property. The donation is intended exclusively for those who lived in the property on the day the dam broke, regardless of ownership. Residences eligible for donation are those in the ZAS.

Documents: Original documents proving the applicant's relationship with the residence in the ZAS, such as purchase and sale deed, property tax (IPTU) payment slip, lease agreement, water or electricity bills, all of which should state the property's address under the applicant's name.
Rural producers
A R$15,000.00 donation will be made to each family of a rural producer that carried out productive activities in the ZAS, regardless of the ownership, number of production areas and the size of the area. Sharecroppers (a tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop as rent) and tenants can receive the donation.

Documents: Original documents that evidence the applicant's relationship with the rural activity developed in the ZAS, such as: sharecrop or leasing contracts; title deed; Declaration of Aptitude to PRONAF, water bill stating the property's address under the applicant's name.
A R$15,000.00 will be made to dealers that carried out commercial activities or small-sized industrial activities in the ZAS.

Documents: Original documents that evidence the relationship between the applicant and the activity or property, such as: registration with the Commercial Registry, municipal permit.
Date: From Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00
Location: Knowledge Station, Rodovia MG 040, KM 49, Área Rural Brumadinho
Required documents: personal documents and bank details, in addition to those already mentioned above, as per category.
- Applicant's personal data (full name, ID, taxpayer's identification number, date of birth, full address, email, telephone number and bank details).
- Bank details: bank, bank number, branch and account number - with digits - and account type (savings or current).
Vale will help applicants open their account at Banco do Brasil, if necessary.
0800 031 0831


Media Relations Office - Vale

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