Another Vale dam leaves the emergency level and has stability certified الحالة الحالة الحالة الحالة الحالة
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Another Vale dam leaves the emergency level and has stability certified
The Campo Grande dam, located at the Alegria Mine in the municipality of Mariana (MG), was removed from the emergency level by the National Mining Agency (ANM) last Monday (12/16/2024). The structure received a positive Declaration of Stability Condition (DCE), certifying its safety.
Campo Grande dam. Photo: Vale Archive.
The improvement in stability conditions was made possible by the progress of the decharacterization process, which is expected to be completed by 2026. The Campo Grande dam is one of the 30 structures included in Vale's Upstream Dam Decharacterization Program, which has received more than R$10 billion in investments since 2019. The removal of the emergency level for the Campo Grande dam has been undertaken by the ANM. Vale duly communicated this to the relevant regulatory and oversight bodies. The structure will remain on alert and under the supervision of the competent authorities until all the necessary documentation is completed under current legislation.
Dam management and safety
Vale has worked hard to improve the management and safety of its dams, contributing to a more sustainable mining cycle in Brazil that is safer for people and the environment.
Since 2022, 16 of its dams have left the emergency level. Of the 15 that remain in emergency, none are operating to receive more tailings. In addition, all upstream dams are in the process of decharacterization. The structures are constantly monitored and subject to continuous actions to improve safety.
Vale is also committed to the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM), which aims to ensure zero harm to people and the environment throughout the lifecycle of tailings dams. Launched in 2020 as an initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), it was the first global standard in the mining sector and a global milestone for dam safety.
Vale's main dams are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by the company's Geotechnical Monitoring Centers (CMGs), in addition to regular inspections by internal and external teams that act promptly when preventive or corrective actions are needed.
Please visit the Dams page for more information on Vale's dam safety and management.