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Dams, Reparation

Vale on Southern System operations

National Mining Agency ("ANM") determined in a preventive the immediate suspension of activities at the Fábrica and Vargem Grande complexes

Vale informs that the regional office of the National Mining Agency ("ANM") determined in a preventive manner and as a means to comply with the Resolution 70.389/2017, the immediate suspension of activities at the Fábrica and Vargem Grande complexes, in order to avoid potential problems triggering failures by liquefaction in the Forquilha I, Forquilha II, Forquilha III, Grupo and Vargem Grande dams.

Vale informs that it has complied immediately with the decision, however it will appeal to the ANM collegiate to allow for mechanical dismantling by tractor and for resuming its concentration and pelletizing plants operations, which will lead to limited impacts on production volumes, whose values will be reported as soon as estimated.

It should be noted that the interruption of blasting operations and the introduction of mechanical dismantling by tractor in the nearby mines were already part of the decommissioning plans of the upstream dams and will thus be anticipated


Media Relations Office - Vale

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