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Vale brings special helicopter to help in animal rescues in Brumadinho

Specialized equipment helps in the emergency rescue of animals

A helicopter specialized in emergency animal rescue began to operate in Brumadinho this Sunday, February 3rd. The aircraft - provided by Vale - has the same features as those used in the rescues of wild land fauna rescues by Brazil's environmental regulator, the IBAMA.

The helicopter allows the faster transport of the teams and the access to remote zones affected by the dam breach as well. It will also help the process of identifying the best areas for treated and recovered animals to be released.

The equipment that will help rescues the most is the heli-basket, a basket coupled to the external area of the helicopter, used for the transport of small and middle size animals of up to 113 kg. Large animals must be lifted by the aircraft.

About 40 professionals are working to rescue the local fauna on the two banks of the Paraopeba river. The action is coordinated by Vale biologists team, in partnership with the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine, and counts on the mobilization of volunteers that help to receive the animals at the Campaign Hospital. The task force consists of veterinarians, biologists, support staff and also Vale volunteers, advisors and employees.

If you have any information about animals that were rescued or in risky situation, please contact the company at the numbers: 0800 0310831 (Hello Brumadinho), 0800 285 7000 (Hello Railroad) e 0800 821 5000, or call the Fire Service.

Campaign Hospital

The Campaign Hospital set up by Vale to receive rescued animals has already registered 98 individuals under veterinarian medical care and treatment. There are on-duty health professionals, including intensive care workers, 24 hours a day. This list includes poultry, birds, reptiles, equines, bovines, felines and canines.

The hospital operates in a farm rented by Vale and serves as the base for the rescue teams. The unit can receive domestic and wild large animals. First, it comes the species screening and, if necessary, medicines are provided.The structure to receive the animals consists of stalls and carts for cattle, pickets for sheep and pigs, a dog rack, an area for wild animals and a swimming pool to accommodate fish. In addition, there is a bus equipped for surgeries in animals that are brought to the hospital in critical condition.  In total, the work involves 30 professionals.

In order to enhance its participation and complying with the orientations from the IBAMA, Vale is installing a shading device for the improvement of the thermal comfort of the animals, expanding the kennel, among other actions.

Find all updated information at


Media Relations Office - Vale

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