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Vale updates emergency compensation payment schedule

More than a 1,200 residents of Parque da Cachoeira and Córrego do Feijão have already received the payment

In an audience, held today (March 21) in Minas Gerais, a schedule was presented, which outlined the start of the emergency indemnities payment registry service for residents of other locations in the Brumadinho area, namely the municipalities located up to 1km from the Paraopeba River, from Brumadinho to the Retiro Baixo reservoir in Pompéu. The service will be carried out at Indemnity Registration Stations (PRIs), from Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 6 pm, in each location until the end of April. The company has a deadline of 10 working days to evaluate all documentation. If no further documentation is required, then Vale has another 10 business days to make the payment, which will be made retrospectively for 12 months, i.e. from January to December. The court is still defining whether the indemnity will be collective or individual.
The start of the service varies according to the location:
- 25/3: Brumadinho – Alberto Flores até Pires (PRI address: Sítio Bela Vista, Rua Pires, 301, Bairro Pires);
- 27/3: Brumadinho - regions of Capão Redondo, Jangada, Casa Branca, Retiro das Pedras (PRI address: Avenida Piedade Paraopeba, 1902, Bairro Casa Branca);
- 3/4: Municipality of São Joaquim das Bicas - Primavera (PRI address: Rua Tarcilo Teotônio, 200, Lj. A e B) 
- 3/4 : Municipality of Mário Campos (PRI address: Avenida Governador Magalhães Pinto, 388, Lj. 05 e 06B, Centro)
- 10/4: Brumadinho - Sede - Centro / São Sebastião (PRI Address: R. José da Silva Fernandes, 105, Lj. 02, Bairro Lourdes)
- 10/4: Brumadinho - Sede - Progresso / Presidente / Grajaí (PRI Address: Via Coletora, 439, Bairro Progresso)
- 10/4: Brumadinho - Sede - Planalto (PRI Address: Presidente Vargas Street, 1429, Bairro Planalto)
- 17/4: Brumadinho - Conceição do Itaguá District - José de Sales Barbosa / São Judas Tadeu (PRI Address: Rua Caetano José dos Santos, 545, Subsoil, Don Bosco Neighborhood)
- 17/4: Brumadinho - Conceição do Itaguá District - Retiro de Brumado (PRI Address: Rua Um, 18, Bairro Retiro de Brumado)
- 17/4: Brumadinho - Aranha District (PRI Address: Padre Agostinho Square, 54 - Parish Hall, Aranha Neighborhood)
- 17/4: Municipalities of Betim and Joatuba - To be released.
- 24/4: Brumadinho - District of São José do Paraopeba (PRI Address: Rua Joaquim Augusto Rodrigues, 934 - Paroquial Hall)
- 24/4: Brumadinho - Piedade do Paraopeba District (PRI Address: Praça da Matriz, S / N - Casa Paroquial)
- 29/4: Other municipalities (Igarapé, Esmeraldas, Florestal, Pará de Minas, São José da Varginha, Fortuna de Minas, Pequi, Maravilhas, Papagaios, Paraopeba, Curvelo e Pompéu). There will be mobile units in these municipalities.
Vale has already set-up a call center, with operating hours of Monday to Saturday, from 8:00am to 8:00pm, through which residents can schedule appointments and ask questions regarding the emergency payment process. The call center number is 0800 888 1182. In each location, the call center will start scheduling appointments one week before the Registration Centers open. In total, there will be 800 people working across the call center, the Registration Posts and analysing the documentation.
Parque do Cachoeira and Córrego do Feijão
The registration offices of Parque de Cachoeira (Rua Francisco Jorge Diniz, nº 143) and Córrego do Feijão (in the hall next to the sports court) have been in operation since March 20. The scheduling of appointments in one of these two locations, via call center, started on March 18 and already more than 500 appointments have now been scheduled and 80 appointments have taken place.
To date, 1,200 payments have been made to residents in these communities.
Through these and other actions, Vale reinforces its total commitment to repairing the damages caused by the breach of the dam in a quick and comprehensive manner.

Necessary documents
In order to receive an entitled indemnity, applicants must complete a form, as agreed on in court, along with the following documents:
•    Adults: (i) RG; (ii) CPF; (iii) at least one document proving residence; and (iv) current account or savings account on behalf of the applicant.
•    Under 18s: (i) Birth Certificate or RG; (ii) CPF; (iii) proof of legal responsibility; and (iv) at least one document proving residence (proof of school).
•    Documents proving residence: Registration up until the date of the dam breach in the following registers: Electoral Justice, registration in schools or colleges, Cemig, Copasa, health posts, Emater, Municipal and State Secretariats of Agriculture, CRAS and SUAS (Sistema Único de Social assistance).

Regarding the Preliminary Agreement
What are the items that make up the preliminary agreement:
•    Payment of a monthly minimum wage for each adult, 1/2 (average) monthly minimum wage for each adolescent and 1/4 (one quarter) of minimum wage for each child for a term of one year;
•    Donation of a basic food basket for each family nucleus in the Córrego do Feijão and Parque da Cachoeira communities, for 12 months. The amount of R$ 405.40 per month will be deposited in a family member's current account.
Who is entitled to the payment:
•    The emergency payment will be paid to all who resided in Brumadinho or that lived up to 1 kilometer from the Paraopeba River from Brumadinho to the Retiro Baixo plant in Pompéu, on the 25/1/2019.

This information is also available at: 

Alô Indeniciones: 0800 888 1182, to schedule an appointment from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 8 pm.


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