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Dam Performance

Vale decharacterizes Dique 1B

Vale S.A. (“Vale” or “Company”) informs that it has completed the decharacterization of Dique 1B, part of the Conceição System, located in Itabira (MG). This is the 15th upstream structure eliminated by Vale, which therefore completes 50% of the Upstream Dam Decharacterization Program. The decharacterization works were completed ahead of the initially scheduled deadline of December 2024. From now on, the decharacterization will go through the assessment and validation process by the authorities, in compliancewith applicable legislation. The actions outlinedin the area’s environmental recovery plan are underway. 

Upstream Dam Decharacterization Program 

Since 2019, Vale has consistently advanced in its commitment to eliminate all its upstream tailing’s dams in Brazil. To execute the program, Vale has already disbursed over R$ 9 billion. The structures are inactive and under permanent monitoring, 24 hours a day, by the Company’s Geotechnical Monitoring Centers.  

The solutions applied are compatible with the unique characteristics of each structure and prioritize safety of people and the environment. Actions are continuously evaluated and monitored by independent audits as well as by competent authorities. More information about Vale’s dam management is available at