Integrating Safety in Every Operation of Our Company
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Integrating Safety in Every Operation of Our Company
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk recognizes the inherent risks in the mining sector and is committed to actively addressing these challenges. As a progressive mining company, our primary goal is to exceed industry standards and become a global leader in safety and reliability. With a strong determination to achieve a record of zero fatal accidents and minimize Occupational Diseases as much as possible, PTVI places significant emphasis on safety and risk management as the foundation of our organizational ethics. Our decision-making processes are guided by a firm commitment to prioritize safety and human life over all other assets and outcomes, reflecting our dedication to shaping a work culture that protects our employees from the potential hazards inherent in mining operations.
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk enforces strict standards to ensure safety and security in every work activity. Prior to engaging in any tasks, all employees must adhere to the prescribed guidelines and standards. This measure is designed to eradicate potential hazards and ensure work is executed with utmost safety. The encompassed guidelines and standards consist of:
1. Safe Work Permit (SWP)
Safe Work Permit (SWP) is our key instrument in ensuring a safe work environment. It details requirements and procedures to address potential risks before starting a task, preventing unexpected events. These permits are essential for both maintenance and project activities, ensuring safety in a variety of areas, including Operations, Maintenance, Infrastructure, Administration and remote locations.
2. Critical Activity Requirements (CAR/RAC)
The primary purpose of these requirements is to establish minimum standards for conducting critical activities to safeguard lives during the work process. This document delineates mandatory requirements applicable across all areas and processes of the organization, whether undertaken by Vale employees or contractors. It encompasses various areas such as working at heights, operating light motor vehicles, handling molten metal, working with electricity, etc.
3. Guideline for Fatality Prevention Programs
The Fatality Prevention Program Guidelines outline a systematic approach aimed at preventing fatalities in the workplace. It provides a framework for identifying, assessing and mitigating risks to ensure a safe working environment, emphasizing proactive measures and continuous improvement to protect lives.
4. Guide for Fatigue Prevention
The Fatigue Prevention Guide is a guide to ensure the prevention of risks caused by fatigue. This guide provides insight into managing workload, rest intervals and promoting healthy sleep patterns to improve overall well-being and ensure optimal performance while minimizing the potential for accidents or mistakes due to fatigue.
Furthermore, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk regularly conducts "safety share" sessions in every meeting, aimed at reminding employees of the importance of health and safety in performing their tasks. This practice assists workers in identifying and controlling potential hazards in their projects or work. It not only reflects the company's and employees' commitment to health and safety but also serves as a moment to reflect on past experiences as valuable learning opportunities.
1. Safe Work Permit (SWP)
Safe Work Permit (SWP) is our key instrument in ensuring a safe work environment. It details requirements and procedures to address potential risks before starting a task, preventing unexpected events. These permits are essential for both maintenance and project activities, ensuring safety in a variety of areas, including Operations, Maintenance, Infrastructure, Administration and remote locations.
2. Critical Activity Requirements (CAR/RAC)
The primary purpose of these requirements is to establish minimum standards for conducting critical activities to safeguard lives during the work process. This document delineates mandatory requirements applicable across all areas and processes of the organization, whether undertaken by Vale employees or contractors. It encompasses various areas such as working at heights, operating light motor vehicles, handling molten metal, working with electricity, etc.
3. Guideline for Fatality Prevention Programs
The Fatality Prevention Program Guidelines outline a systematic approach aimed at preventing fatalities in the workplace. It provides a framework for identifying, assessing and mitigating risks to ensure a safe working environment, emphasizing proactive measures and continuous improvement to protect lives.
4. Guide for Fatigue Prevention
The Fatigue Prevention Guide is a guide to ensure the prevention of risks caused by fatigue. This guide provides insight into managing workload, rest intervals and promoting healthy sleep patterns to improve overall well-being and ensure optimal performance while minimizing the potential for accidents or mistakes due to fatigue.
Furthermore, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk regularly conducts "safety share" sessions in every meeting, aimed at reminding employees of the importance of health and safety in performing their tasks. This practice assists workers in identifying and controlling potential hazards in their projects or work. It not only reflects the company's and employees' commitment to health and safety but also serves as a moment to reflect on past experiences as valuable learning opportunities.
Zero fatalities were reported in the second quarter of 2023, reflecting our dedicated commitment to prioritizing safety.

Foto: Vale Indonesia
SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
- 3.4 By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
- 8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment
- Principle 4.3 Implement risk-based controls to avoid/prevent, minimise, mitigate and/or remedy physical and psychological health, safety and environmental impacts to workers, local communities, cultural heritage and the natural environment, based upon a recognised international standard or management system.
- Principle 5.1 Implement practices aimed at continually improving workplace physical and psychological health and safety, and monitor performance for the elimination of workplace fatalities, serious injuries, psychosocial hazards and prevention of occupational diseases, based upon a recognised international standard or management system.
- Principle 5.2 Provide workers with training in accordance with their responsibilities for physical and psychological health and safety and implement health surveillance and risk-based monitoring programmes based on occupational exposures.

Foto: Vale Indonesia