Nosso compromisso com a equidade étnico-racial
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Our commitment to ethnic-racial equity
Our company is built on the uniqueness of each of our people, who every day help us move toward a more equitable future for everyone, while not tolerating discrimination and prejudice in the present.

Access the video of our anti-racism manifesto

It’s not enough not to be racist – you have to be anti-racism."

Our report
Vale and Mover in the fight against racial discrimination
As an effective tool to combat racism, Mover aims to create 10,000 additional internal leadership positions for black people, as well as benefiting 3 million people with jobs and training, thereby helping reduce social inequalities in Brazil. The movement is also committed to promoting awareness through literacy actions and content and by encouraging debate with society.
There’s a long path ahead, but we are moving along it together!

Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles
Ethnic-Racial Affinity Group
The group’s activities are focused on supporting the development of the following pillars:

Learning together
Our people are part of Vale’s entire journey of transformation and evolution. We are proud to help impact their trajectories!
Our voice is our strength
Hit play and listen to that they have to say (in Portuguese only):
Membership of MOVER
Black Consciousness Program
Learn more about our policies and what we do not tolerate at our company (in Portuguese only):

Confira nossas notícias sobre o tema: