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We recognize that our activities can, in some situations, pose physical risks to the communities we interact with. As part of an ongoing cultural transformation process and our commitment to putting safety first, Vale is currently reviewing the ways our operations can affect society. One of the components of this review is Community Safety and our approach to managing risks and impacts resulting from threats to the physical integrity of individuals which are exacerbated by Vale’s presence in the territory.  

Our approach to managing impacts in other dimensions (occupational health and safety, environment, and process safety) is extended to our communities with the same level of commitment and dedication. Vale’s Community Safety process has been designed and implemented within our Corporate Social Responsibility framework. 

This process addresses safety-related events with potential social impacts, that resulting in injury to non-employees that occur in areas under Vale's responsibility or in external areas during production or production support activities.  

Immediate emergency response measures are taken in response to these events, regardless of which parties are liable, according to parameters established in internal rules. Any such events are documented and investigated to identify their causes and define actions to reduce the risk of recurrence. These actions may include communication with communities to strengthen their risk perception and align initiatives with local needs, in addition to reviewing internal processes and improving equipment.   

Our Community Safety process has been structured based on the following levers: 


Developing standards and policies on integrating the social dimension in our existing health and safety processes (impact management) and on preventive approach (risk management) 


Improving incident monitoring tools and dashboards to improve visibility of the process 

Participation in the teams of analysis and investigation of causes of security events with social loss 


Close interaction between our operations and the social department to support implementation of new standards and methods


Strengthening risk management through Community Safety Integrated Plans spanning all local operations and surrounding communities 
One of the outcomes from incorporating the Community dimension into our policy on managing health and safety, environmental and operational processes events was the introduction of a procedure for classifying high-consequence events, as is done for the other dimensions. The results from this process are summarized by a C-Pyramid based on the severity classification of each actual or potential event. 

Social Incident Classification Pyramid

Integrated plans  

Vale’s preventive efforts are bolstered by Community Safety Integrated  Plan (CSIP) based on territorial assessments that consolidate all of Vale's activities in a particular location for a comprehensive analysis. CSIPs are designed to enhance risk management by identifying safety hazards for the local population as a result of our operations and recommending preventive measures. These plans cover all operations planned for a given area under existing plans, projects, and protocols, helping to coordinate Community Safety efforts in that location. 


In 2022, our efforts to prevent safety incidents leading to injuries involving community members gained corporate support with the inclusion of this topic as a Social Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for variable compensation across the company. We have set a corresponding target to reduce the number of safety events in our operations resulting in injuries to non-employees/contractors. Injuries resulting from suicide are recorded, investigated, and addressed but are not included in the KPI. We performed strongly on this metric in 2022: 
2021  2022  % reduction
Safety incidents 
Fatal injuries 
Note: Baseline (2021) and 2022 Sustainability KPI Results – Reduction of safety events with social impact. 
Reducing the number of incidents resulting in injuries to community members has been maintained as a Social Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in 2023. To further refine this metric, the type of activity is now considered for accounting purposes, with only events resulting from controlled activities (activities in which Vale has the formal right and responsibility to ensure that its health and safety requirements are implemented and complied with by the companies contracted by Vale) being counted for the KPI. 

The decision to include community safety results in the variable compensation of its teams is an innovative and pioneering initiative by Vale to strengthen and consolidate its main value: life first.