
menu-img-alt vale-wave

Vale reached the 100% renewable consumption target 

Two years ahead of schedule and with solar, wind and hydroelectric energy sources, we have advanced on our journey towards decarbonization and the prevention of climate change. 
We are working towards a more sustainable future for everyone. 
Photographer: Ricardo Teles
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

We believe that our work only makes sense if it generates value for society.

Therefore, we also operate in the energy segment.

About 80% of the energy consumption of our operations in Brazil is supplied by our own generation, with emphasis on hydroelectric, solar and wind sources. 

Learn more about energy in our company: 

Assets and stakes

In addition to our own energy generation, our portfolio includes stakes in hydroelectric power plant consortia and in energy generation and commercialization companies.

Photographer: Lucas Lenci


We have three own hydroelectric power plants (PCHs), as well as stakes in consortia of three plants and two generation companies. 

Photographer: Lucas Lenci

Understand more details about PCHs: 

PCH Mello

PCH Glória

PCH Nova Maurício

UHE Candonga

UHE Estreito

UHW Machadinho


Understand more details about generation companies:

Aliança Geração

Aliança Geração de Energia is a partnership between us and Cemig, to operate in the energy sector in Brazil. Starting to operate in 2015, Aliança is among the main private generators in the country.

7 hydroelectric

power plants in their entirety or in consortia

99  MW

of installed wind capacity

1257 MW

of installed capacity (number refers to Aliança Geração's stake in the project)


Our company and 45% of Cemig, in its corporate structure

Aliança Norte Energia 

Also as a result of the partnership with Cemig, Aliança Norte owns 9% of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. The plant is located in the state of Pará, and comprises the Pimental (233 MW) and Belo Monte (11,000 MW) sites. It is the largest 100% Brazilian hydroelectric power plant, and the 4th largest in the world. 


of the Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant

411 MWm

of physical guarantee*

1011 MW

of installed capacity (number refers to Aliança Norte's stake in the project)


Our company and 49% Cemig, in its corporate structure

For us, life always matters most.  

Therefore, the dams of our hydroelectric power plants undergo regular inspections and safety assessments, in accordance with the legislation. The activities are verified by specialized consultants and the results are registered with the competent authorities.

In Brazil, all of our dams have Dam Safety Plans (PSB) and Emergency Action Plans (PAE) filed with the respective city halls. 
Imagem placeholder Imagem placeholder Photographer: Ricardo Teles


We have five hydroelectric power plants (PCHs) in Canada that are responsible for generating approximately 20% of the electricity demand of our Sudbury operations. 

Following our standard of inspections and safety assessments, in the province of Ontario, our dams are operated and maintained in accordance with best practices outlined in the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources' (MNR) Lakes and River Improvement Act, and by the Water Management Plan of the Espanhol and Vermillion rivers, where the hydroelectric power plants are located.

Photographer: Lucas Lenci

Understand more details about PCHs:

PCH High Falls I 

PCH High Falls II 

PCH Big Eddy 

PCH Wabageshik 

PCH Nairn 



Our daily work, built with you, is based on a fundamental pillar: respecting and caring for our planet. In Indonesia, we produce nickel, which includes the operation of three hydroelectric plants in the country: Larona, Balambano and Karebbe.

In Indonesia, all of our dams have received a Dam Safety Certificate by the Dam Safety Commission, as requested by the country's Ministry of Public Works. 

Photo: Vale Archive

Understand more details about the plants: 

UHE Larona

UHE Balambano

UHE Karebbe



Our biggest consumption is in electricity, especially in Brazil, Indonesia, Canada and , and in diesel. Do you know why? They are used primarily as fuel in off-highway trucks, which are fundamental to our operations, and in our railroad locomotives.

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
Imagem placeholder Imagem placeholder Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Learn more about our strategy in search of a sustainable future for all of us: 

Replacement of conventional sources of energy by the Company’s own renewable generation;
Electrification of diesel machinery and equipment; 
Systematized management model to achieve high energy performance throughout our production chain. 

Photographer: Daniel Mansur

Energy efficiency

We have an Energy Efficiency Program in our operations with the objective of multiplying good energy consumption management practices throughout the company. 

Being energy efficient is essential to taking care of our planet and achieving our sustainability goals. In the program, we create the necessary conditions to seek improvements in energy performance through: 
  • Standardization of energy management processes;

  • Transparency in performance management;

  • Multidisciplinary teams for the implementation and management of the Program;

  • Use of automated energy measurement and management system.

Transmission and distribution 

In our operations in Brazil, we have our own lines and substations. In addition, we maintain collaboration with the concessionaires to which we are connected. 
