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Foto: Vale Indonesia
Foto: Vale Indonesia

Creating sustainable self-sufficient community

We carry out social programs by implementing sustainability strategies to achieve shared prosperity. Together with stakeholders, we realize this commitment based on care for the people.

Our Commitment

We contribute and synergize with the government, communities, employees and contractors in our operating areas. We mobilize Vale’s resources to create and walk hand in hand. Together, for a better future.

Our social programs are implemented for essential sectors, namely education, health, real income levels, economic independence, socio-culture, social environment, community institutions, and infrastructure development. We summarize the series of social programs in the Community Development and Empowerment (Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat/PPM) programs. These PPM programs are implemented through the Development of Independent Rural Areas (Pengembangan Kawasan Pedesaan Mandiri/PKPM).

PPM incorporates inputs from and is implemented in collaboration with stakeholders, aiming for our programs to be aligned with the District Development Priority Plan. Formally, prior to program implementation, we sign a memorandum of cooperation with the local government. Through this collaboration, our social programs contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. 

On March 14, 2023, PT Vale and the East Luwu Regency Government continued their commitment in the social sector, with the launch of the Community Development and Empowerment Program (Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat/PPM) through PT Vale's Independent Rural Area Development (Pengembangan Kawasan Pedesaan Mandiri/PKPM) for the period 2023-2027.

Our program

Our social commitment is carried out with serious investment. In 2022, we disbursed financial support totaling US$6,381,165 for three operational areas of PT Vale Indonesia, namely in East Luwu, South Sulawesi for US$5,343,585; Morowali, Central Sulawesi for US$732,603; and Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi for US$304,977.

In 2022, PT Vale's social programs has contributed to the Green PROPER achievement, especially in the performance of the community empowerment program, and received recognition in 8 award categories from six related agencies, such as the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the Innovative PPM program in the Health sector, the Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals Award- BPN Bappenas Award & Sustainable Village Development from the Ministry of Villages & DDAT.

All stakeholders are expected to play a role in our community development programs through the ongoing Creating Shared Value (CSV) scheme. Through the CSV scheme, the added value is not only obtained by the company, but also by local communities around mining operations. This is also a further achievement in preparing post-mining community independence based on excellent local potential.

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