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IGP Pomalaa

PT Vale and Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd. jointly realizing a partnership that mutually supports sustainable mining practices in Bumi Mekongga, Southeast Sulawesi.

PT Vale is in charge of supplying the nickel ore, while Huayou will ensure nickel processing at an HPAL (High-Pressure Acid Leach) based factory. Huayou has operational advantages as a supplier of materials for electric vehicle batteries. Meanwhile, PT Vale has more than half a century of experience in carrying out sustainable mining in Indonesia.

The project's estimated annual output is 120,000 tonnes of nickel and approximately 15,000 tonnes of cobalt contained in MHP products. Our investment in the Pomalaa Block for mines and HPAL facilities is US$ 4.5 billion.

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About IGP Pomalaa

Nursery Facility in Pomalaa

PT Vale is committed to bringing its best operating practices from Sorowako to the Pomalaa Block.

  • Nursery facilities that have been opened and operated today will become modern large-scale nursery facilities in the future.
  • The development of this facility is also a form of the company's support for the Indonesian government's nursery center development program.
  • The Pomalaa project will also be supported by solid waste treatment facilities, sedimentation ponds and wastewater treatment, leachate treatment, and toxic and hazardous waste management.
  • This project will also be equipped with air emission processing facilities.

PT Vale and Huayou agreed to jointly utilize power generation from non-coal energy sources.

Foto: Vale Indonesia

We Synergize with the Local Community

Optimize Local Talents

As of November 2023, around 400 workers have been working in the mining area. This figure will continue to increase in line with the needs of development projects.

Community Development

Prior to the groundbreaking, PT Vale had started collaborating with local communities, through the PPM Program. One of the programs that has had an impact and has been well received by the community is organic SRI rice farming assistance.

Workforce Trainings

We are working with the Vocational Training Center (BLK), PSDKU (Main Non-Campus Study Program) of Ujung Pandang Polytechnic in Kolaka, and Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) Program for Workforce Training and Competencies at the Kolaka Vocational Training Center (BLKK) in human resource development.
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Find more about our IGP Pomalaa update by visiting our official social media channel and look out for #PTVIPomalaa hashtag

Groundbreaking Pomalaa Project

Together with Huayou and Ford. Co, we agreed to establish a partnership, to develop sustainable mining practices the Kolaka region, Southeast Sulawesi. We officially started the Pomalaa Block project with a groundbreaking ceremony on November 27, 2022.

Coordinating Minister Luhut – IGP Pomalaa will Support the EV Ecosystem

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the groundbreaking of the nickel processing plant was a form of the government's commitment to continuing to encourage nickel downstream projects in Indonesia. Meanwhile, for PT Vale, this project will contribute to supporting the electric vehicle battery ecosystem.

The Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Supports the Pomalaa Project

Ali Mazi stated that he supports Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Pomalaa, a project based on environmentally friendly technology. Ali Mazi also supports this project which he says aims to bring prosperity to the people of Southeast Sulawesi. Ali Mazi also stated that all parties need to support a conducive climate to support this investment.

Kolaka Regent Ahmad Safei welcomed the investment by PT Vale Indonesia and Huayou

Kolaka Regent Ahmad Safei said he was grateful that the Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Pomalaa project could be realized soon. Ahmad Safei also said that in order to speed up the commissioning, this project needs to be supported by stakeholders.

Local talent on IGP Pomalaa

We believe the potential of local talent will have a big contribution for sustainable mining. At this video, you will hear ‘local voices’ on their hopes against PT Vale Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Pomalaa. 

#PTVIPomalaa: Great Youth Collaboration

We are grateful and honour, because our groundbreaking ceremony for Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Pomalaa received a lot of support from local young talents. Looking at their enthusiasm and passion, we look forward to a bright future for sustainable mining in 'Bumi Mekongga'. Thank you for alywas supporting us!

Booklet “Sustainable Mining at ‘Bumi Mekongga"

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale) partnered with Zheijianh Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd (Huayou) and Ford Motor Co. (Ford) agreed to collaborate and support sustainable mining practices at ‘Bumi Mekongga’, local designation of Kolaka regency.

IGP Pomalaa information updates

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale), bersama mitra kerjanya, PT Petrosea Tbk, memulai serangkaian seremoni First Cut (Pemotongan Perdana) di area Mining IGP Pomalaa yang di mulai pada Jumat, 4 Oktober 2024.

First Cut PT Vale Dorong Percepatan Pembangunan Blok Pomalaa bersama PT Petrosea

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale), bersama mitra kerjanya, PT Petrosea Tbk, memulai serangkaian seremoni First Cut (Pemotongan Perdana) di area Mining IGP Pomalaa yang di mulai pada Jumat, 4 Oktober 2024.

Penggunaan Spektrum Frekuensi Radio (SFR) secara tertib dan sesuai regulasi sangat krusial untuk kelangsungan operasional perusahaan. PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale) menegaskan posisinya sebagai teladan di industri dengan berkontribusi pada pengelolaan SFR yang lebih baik melalui peningkatan efisiensi operasional dan keamanan komunikasi.

Tertib Frekuensi, PT Vale IGP Pomalaa Raih Penghargaan Loka Monitor SFR Kendari

Penggunaan Spektrum Frekuensi Radio (SFR) secara tertib dan sesuai regulasi sangat krusial untuk kelangsungan operasional perusahaan. PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale) menegaskan posisinya sebagai teladan di industri dengan berkontribusi pada pengelolaan SFR yang lebih baik melalui peningkatan efisiensi operasional dan keamanan komunikasi.

Pada 12 September 2024, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. (PT Vale), salah satu perusahaan nikel terbesar di Indonesia, menyelenggarakan ‘Reflection Day’ di proyek Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Morowali dan Pomalaa yang berlangsung sampai Jumat, (20/9/2024).

Dari Refleksi ke Aksi: PT Vale Teguhkan Komitmen untuk Keselamatan yang Berkelanjutan di Area Proyek

Pada 12 September 2024, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. (PT Vale), salah satu perusahaan nikel terbesar di Indonesia, menyelenggarakan ‘Reflection Day’ di proyek Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Morowali dan Pomalaa yang berlangsung sampai Jumat, (20/9/2024).

Praktik pertambangan berkelanjutan atau Good Mining Practices (GMP) sangat penting untuk meminimalkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan, masyarakat dan perekonomian. Sebagai salah satu perusahaan pertambangan terkemuka, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale) terus berkomitmen membangun pertambangan yang berkelanjutan dan berdampak positif bagi lingkungan serta masyarakat.

Beri Dampak Positif pada Praktik Pertambangan Berkelanjutan, Pj Bupati Kolaka Apresiasi Komitmen PT Vale

Beri Dampak Positif pada Praktik Pertambangan Berkelanjutan, Pj Bupati Kolaka Apresiasi Komitmen PT Vale

Penerapan sistem jaminan mutu dan sertifikasi pada produk beras organik sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa produk yang sampai ke tangan konsumen memenuhi standar kualitas dan keamanan yang tinggi. 

Petani Binaan PT Vale IGP Morowali Raih Penghargaan Dalam Anugerah Daya Saing Produk Pertanian

Penerapan sistem jaminan mutu dan sertifikasi pada produk beras organik sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa produk yang sampai ke tangan konsumen memenuhi standar kualitas dan keamanan yang tinggi. 
