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Foto: Vale Indonesia
Foto: Vale Indonesia

In line with the implementation of the provisions regarding the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR), we carry out community development programs.

After evaluating the program, we concluded that our CSR program was ineffective at that time because our approach only lasted for a short term and was not sustainable.

Our Commitment

Therefore, entering 2013, we changed our approach to implementing community development programs. We approach this through the Integrated Community Development Program (PTPM). The planning and implementation of PTPM are aligned with the East Luwu Regency Government's development plan, are long-term in nature, and have a five-year road map.

We officially ran PTPM after it was preceded by various preparations, including a stakeholder mapping study by the company and an education study by Makassar State University in 2012.

After the first five-year period, our PTPM ended; we then continued the second five-year PTPM 2018-2022 period by preparing the Master Plan for Community Development and Empowerment (RI-PPM).

RI-PPM is prepared based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 25 of 2018 concerning the Mineral and Coal Mining Business. The background of the preparation of the RI-PPM was the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the 2013-2017 PTPM program, the results of exploring the ideas of the Three Pillars Team, the Leading Area Development Plan, Stakeholder Consultation, PT Vale's Internal Audit Recommendations, the spirit of independence and post-mining sustainability.

RI-PPM targets eight community development and empowerment sectors: education, health, income and employment, economic independence, socio-culture, environmental management, institutions and infrastructure. In its implementation, RI-PPM continues through a three-pillar partnership pattern: the government, companies and the community.

As a form of collaboration with three pillars, on November 18, 2018, we signed a Memory of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement with the Directorate General of Rural Area Development, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (PDTT), Community and Village Empowerment Service South Sulawesi Province and the East Luwu Regency Government regarding the implementation of PPM and the Independent Rural Area Development Program (PKPM).

Foto: Vale Indonesia

We allocated a fee of US$29,241,288 for the Community Development and Empowerment Program (PPM) according to our PPM Master Plan for 2018-2025 as a form of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Program implementation and evaluation of our program sustainability are the responsibility of the External Relations Department. We conduct regular audits to improve the performance of the social programs we run.

During 2021, around 43,205 people in our empowerment areas were beneficiaries of the PPM implementation, with the number of funds we disbursed 2.6 million USD.

We carry out various activities to improve essential services such as infrastructure accessibility, education, health, local institutional organizations, and environmental conservation to support the development of the community's economic status, thus supporting the realization of a sustainable livelihood.

Various facilities and support for capacity building are planned and managed through partnerships so that all parties can take part in taking roles and assessing the impact of changes in the program's success that was announced together.

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