Brumadinho Knowledge Center: supporting the community
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Brumadinho Knowledge Center: supporting the community
The center, which runs 24 hours a day with about 80 professionals, is fully prepared to attend to the needs of the community
Vale set up the Brumadinho Knowledge Center, a help center for the families of those affected by the accident at the Córrego do Feijão mine. The center, which runs 24 hours a day with about 80 professionals, is fully prepared to attend to the needs of the community.
At present, the main areas of activity in the area are to host families, registration, sorting and referral of homeless to hotels, registration of relatives eligible to receive the R$100 thousand donation offered by Vale, the delivery of sim cards/cell phone chips by the Civil Defense to families, and psychological assistance, as well as a cafeteria with free food for families. A team of doctors, social workers and psychologists are working to welcome, listen and comfort people who are waiting for news from relatives.
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About Brumadinho Knowledge Center
The Knowledge Center was inaugurated by the Vale Foundation in 2011 and offers complementary sports and educational activities in the backyard for about 700 children and young people in the municipality of Brumadinho.
Help Centers:
Brumadinho Knowledge Center: Rodovia MG 040, KM 49, Área Rural Brumadinho
Córrego do Feijão Community Center: Estr. p/ Casa Branca, Brumadinho
Municipal Carmela Caruso Aluotto School: Rua Hum, S/Nº, Prédio Escolar - Casa Branca
Poliesportivo Gym: Rua Itaguá 1.000, Progresso I, Brumadinho
Parque da Cachoeira Community Center: Rua Francisco Jorge Diniz, n. 40 - Bairro Parque das Chachoeira - Brumadinho esquina com rua São Judas Tadeu
IML Belo Horizonte: Rua Nicias Contentito 1291, Gameleira - Belo Horizonte
Hotel Intercity: Av. Amazonas, 7702, Gameleira - Belo Horizonte
Hotel Go Inn: Av. Del Rey, 233, Caiçara - Belo Horizonte
Media Relations Office - Vale
See also