
menu-img-alt vale-wave
Photo: Vale's Archive
Photo: Vale's Archive

Preserved nature, biodiversity and leisure.

These are the main features of the Vale Botanical Park in Vitória, located in Vale's Green Belt in Espírito Santo.

The place, which plays an important role in the conservation of native environmental wealth, is also full of activities for the entire community. 
Browse the page and discover all the attractions and curiosities about the place.
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20 years of activities in biodiversity conservation 

To celebrate, we held the Photo Contest –  A special look at the Vale Botanical Park

Check out the photos selected in the competition

Photo: Vitor Corrêa Dias Gonçalves
Photo: Adriana Araujo
Photo: Vitor Corrêa Dias Gonçalves
Photo: Matheus Redighieri Silva
Photo: Adriana Araujo
Photo: Maiara Viana
Photo: Vitor Corrêa Dias Gonçalves
Photo: Adriana Araujo
Photo: Eduardo Batista
Photo: Ravel Zorzal

20 years of activities in biodiversity conservation 

To celebrate, we will be launching the Photography Competition - A special look at the Vale Botanical Park

The chance to show the space through your eyes has arrived. Get ready: the 10 best photos will be part of an exhibition that will be displayed in the park throughout the year.
Come and visit us and sign up here.

Photo: Leo Merçon

Dear Visitor,
Vale Botanical Park is open Tuesdays through Sundays from 8 am to 5 pm.

Due to the 2022 World Cup and the participation of the Brazilian National Soccer Team in the first phase of the tournament, we inform you that the Botanical Park will operate as follows: 
  • November 24 - 8am to 12pm
  • November 28th - Closed
  • December 2nd - 8am to 12pm
As the Brazilian National Team qualifies for the next phases, we will release more information about the operation of the Botanical Park.
Photographer: Leonardo Merçon

Explore the nature of Vale Botanical Park

In celebration of the site's 20th anniversary, we have launched a book and audiobook that invite you to contemplate an oasis of life in the heart of the city of Vitória.   

The work, which is artistic and cultural in nature, highlights the importance of biodiversity and shows the various activities offered by the Park to visitors.

Events calendar

Click on the button to see the special events available on the highlighted days.

Visit us


Avenida Expedicionarios, Jardim Camburi, Vitória, Espírito Santo. CEP (zip code) 29060-760

Opening hours 

Tuesday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Opening hours 

Parking: 100 spaces
Information and bookings: (27) 3333 6200 

Dear Visitor,

In order to make the Vale Botanical Park more receptive and suitable for everyone, we are currently undergoing accessibility work.

Some of our attractions are also being redesigned. We want your experience with us to be even more special.

Vale Botanical Park in Vitória

Enjoy nature

Founded in May 2004, the Botanical Garden is part of the Vale Greenbelt in Vitória, Espírito Santo. It is a space for leisure and experiencing nature, consisting of 33 hectares of Atlantic Forest, where you can see more than 140 tree species as well as migratory birds, otters and amphibians, such as the broad-snouted caiman.  

The activities offered at the park are based on a solid Environmental Education Program, which provides visitors with an educational experience. It is also a leisure option for residents of greater Vitória. 

All members of the community and visitors at welcome at the park. 

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Our fauna and flora

In the current context of urban development in the Vitória region, the Vale Botanical Garden plays an important role in conserving native fauna and flora. It is now home to 21 amphibian species, 14 reptile species, 131 bird species, 5 wild mammal species and 7 bat species. This is above all a place to relax, unwind, rest and have a chat, all in a safe environment, amid high-quality infrastructure and nature. 

The environment and mining

Mining is a crucial activity for modern life. From smartphones to airplanes, from building structures to coins, minerals are the building blocks for many indispensable items in our everyday lives. 

Biodiversity is an essential and intrinsic theme of our business. That’s why we are committed to understanding and monitoring the regions in which we operate, managing risks and impacts and acting transparently in relation to the company’s practices with society. 

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What to do in Vale Botanical Park in Vitória? 

At Vale Botanical Park in Vitória, visitors have spaces for leisure, contact with nature and knowledge. Check out: 

Bus tour of Tubarão site

Events calendar


Orchid House

3D experience in Knowledge Railcar​

Ecological Trails

Free Movement Program

Sensory Garden

Sustainable Village

Self-guided tour of stingless bee farm​


How about getting to knowVale without leaving home? 

Environmental Education Program

Through the park, we want to encourage members of the community to be interested in and aware of the importance of preserving and conserving the environment. The Environmental Education Program aims to spread knowledge and sustainable attitudes based on participation, involvement and social sustainability from a contextualized perspective on the environment, leaving a positive legacy for present and future generations.​​

The program's activities are carried out in four modules over the course of each year and involve a series of actions, such as talks, discussions, competitions and videos. They are conducted in partnership with municipal elementary schools in Vitória and Serra; private schools and institutions that care for people with disabilities.​
The program offers continuing education from the perspective of UNESCO’s four pillars of education:
  • Learning to know
  • Learning to do and be
  • Learning to live together
Each meeting is presented and discussed with the institution’s teaching staff in order to align the content with local circumstances. 

Usage Rules 

We exist with the aim of promoting well-being, educating and raising awareness among communities about the importance of environmental preservation, in order to contribute to the sustainability and balance of ecosystems. 

To make your visit more enjoyable, certain rules must be observed: 

  • We operate from Tuesday to Sunday, from 8am to 5pm; 

  • Boarding and disembarking must be done in the parking lot; 

  • The waste must be deposited in appropriate locations, respecting the selective collection;  

  • The trails must be booked with an environmental counselor accompanying you and the use of appropriate footwear (closed shoes without heels, sneakers or boots) is mandatory; 

  • The picnic can only be held on the grassy area; 

  • The use of the Playground's toys is restricted to children up to 12 years old; 

  • Filming and/or photography for commercial purposes must be previously validated by the Administration; 

  • The Vale Botanical Park is not responsible for objects and materials left on any of its premises. 

  •  Smoking in nonallowed areas; 

  •  Consuming or entry with alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs; 

  •  Damaging objects, furniture, buildings and landscape assets; 

  • The entry of domestic animals or remaining inside vehicles, except in the cases foreseen in Federal Law 11.126, of 27.6.2005, (guide dogs); 

  • Access carrying weapons of any kind; 

  • Parking in unauthorized places, except in cases of emergency situations that may compromise the integrity of natural resources or human life; 

  • Access by motorcycle or bicycle, electric or not; 

  • Entering/walking trails, roads or accesses that are not authorized or restricted locations to employees only; 

  • Leaving personal items or removing tables and chairs from the snack bar;  

  • Use of ball, shuttlecock, bicycle, rollerblades, skateboards, roller skates, drones, among other similar equipment; 

  • Any kind of celebrations or gatherings that do not meet the park's regulations, as well as hiring any type of recreation; 

  • Photo and filming shoots wearing beach clothes, underwear or shirtless;  

  • To use, stick, hang, puncture or nail balloons, banners, flags, and any other objects on trees/toys/grid and other structures, as well as to bring tables, chairs (except beach chairs), pallets, crates and other structures for celebrations and photo shoots; 

  • Using confetti, smoke sticks, party balloons; 

  • Starting fires, including for barbecue or candles; 

  • Using the covered areas for parties; 

  • The use of speakers or any other instruments that cause noise, except when used in events offered and organized by the park’s crew; 

  • Climbing trees; 

  • Feeding, injuring or disturbing animals; 

  • Removing and introducing plants and animals; 

  • Accessing, throwing stones, sticks, leaves and or any object into the lakes, fountains and lagoons, as well as touching the fish; 

  • Any type of street commerce, except for services authorized by the Administration; 

  • Any kind of leaftling or commercial advertising.

Main activities of the BioPark


Projeto "Uma Muda pelo Clima"

A iniciativa “Uma Muda pelo Clima” incentiva a restauração do Bioma Mata Atlântica por meio do plantio de mudas nativas. No projeto, os participantes podem trocar alimentos não perecíveis por árvores nativas.
A Mata Atlântica é um dos biomas mais ricos em biodiversidade do mundo, abrangendo diversos Estados do Brasil. Sua preservação é crucial para a manutenção de serviços ecossistêmicos, como regulação climática, contenção de encostas, conservação do solo entre outros.
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Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

Do you want further information about Vale Botanical Park?  

Contact the team: 
(27) 3333- 6200 

Do you want further information about Vale Botanical Park?  

Our Mascots

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Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

Interesting facts

 hectare area
Atlantic Forest conservation area
More than 
 tree species
Our first tree was a brazilwood tree 

Photo gallery 


Park News

Família e profissional na mata verde

Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para outubro

Confira a programação da Reserva natural Vale e tenha experiências incríveis com toda a família!

Parque São Luis

Confira a programação de outubro do Parque Botânico São Luís

O Parque Botânico São Luís espera por você! Venha nos visitar na Av. dos Portugueses, s/n. de segunda a sábado, das 08h às 16h.  

Parque Costeiro (ES)

Parque Costeiro é inaugurado em Vitória (ES)

Novo espaço de educação ambiental e pesquisas possui 17 mil metros quadrados com mirante e trilha ecológica

Parque botanico vale

Confira a programação de setembro do Parque Botânico Vale

Confira a programação especial do mês e visite o parque de terça a domingo, das 8h às 17h.

duas funcionárias da Vale vestidas de verde centralizadas em mata verde

Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para setembro

Venha passar o dia com a família e amigos em meio à natureza. A Reserva oferece diversos atrativos autoguiados, que podem ser acessados a qualquer horário durante sua visita, além de atrativos guiados. Confira abaixo a programação oferecida ao longo do mês de setembro:
