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Our effort to reduce greenhouse gasses
Based on company's policy on Reducing Conventional Emissions and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, PT Vale is committed to reducing greenhouse gasses by 33% CO2eq by 2030 through:
Emission Reduction Initiative
Boilers are one of the crucial tools in the nickel production chain at PT Vale. The steam produced by the boiler is used in the atomization process in the rotary dryer burner, heating the sulfur used in the reduction kiln, and heating the fuel pipe.
Changes in the form of electrification of the boiler succeeded in reducing HSFO fuel and thereby reducing CO2 emissions. The energy source for electric boilers comes from clean energy, namely from the hydropower plants we manage. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, using electric boilers also increases efficiency. The electric boiler we currently use can produce steam in 10 minutes. Previously, it took several hours of heating to reach a similar condition.
The use of this sensor aims to reduce the use of lights in employee housing areas. When the sun is shining brightly, the lights will automatically turn off. In addition, we also replaced HPS lamps with LEDs which are more efficient in terms of energy consumption.
Efficiency in three Hydroelectric Power Plants (PLTA) is also one of the paths we take to increase the efficiency of clean energy sources.
Periodically, we also carry out an emission inventory and compare standards to assess the achievement of emission reductions with similar industries. We compare our achievements with the industry at national, Asian and international levels.
Reducing Emissions Together
PT Vale’s Global Contribution
Climate change risk management is one of PT Vale’s sustainability focuses and is carried out following the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). We have set a Road Map Towards Carbon Neutral 2050. The short-term targets are energy efficiency and optimized use of renewable energy; the mid-term target for 2030 is 33% absolute emission reductions from scopes 1 and 2; and the long-term target for 2050 is to become carbon neutral (net zero emission).

Non-GHG Emissions, Monitoring and Compliance
As waste from the nickel processing process at the factory, PT Vale produces non-carbon waste or emissions. These emissions include conventional emissions, namely SO2, and nickel particulate. We committed to reduce GHG emission ((NOX, SO2, VOCs, Hg, Pb and others). As in Conventional and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policy.
Emission Reduction Initiative
We are transforming the dust recycling process from the pugmill system to agglomeration. Towards this transformation, we have completed the study of FEL2 and FEL3 agglomeration and decided to choose the extrusion method for dust recycling. By 2023 we are targeting the full implementation of this agglomeration project. In addition, in the 2024-2026 period, we are also targeting factory operations consisting of three agglomeration lines with an average production of 60ton/hour each.
In the particulate emission reduction project, since 2020, we have carried out several initiatives, including the installation ESP in the baghouse. We also carry out control operations to ensure the quantity and intensity of particulate emissions can be reduced.
From our operations, these particulate emissions come from the results of periodic measurements at the chimney of the dryer kiln, reduction kiln, electric furnace and dryer. Our monitoring is carried out regularly to ensure compliance with government regulations.
The measurement results throughout 2021 show that the particulate concentration from our operations is 0.020 tons particulate/ton Ni, or in accordance with government standards.
Through company policy, we target SO2 emission reduction of 500 tons SO2/year. During 2021, we have carried out several initiatives to control SO2 emissions, including stabilizing the process in the reduction furnace which affects the consumption of liquid sulfur; conversion of the use of Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) to lower sulfur coal in drying kilns and reduction kilns No. 2 and 3; and conversion of conventional diesel to B20 diesel with lower sulfur biodiesel content than conventional diesel.
Especially for sulfur combustion residues, we also continue to improved and enabling our SO2 emissions meet the quality standards set by the Government, based on the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 4 of 2014 concerning Quality Standards for Emissions from Immovable Sources for Business and/or Mining Activities.
Periodically, we monitor and calculate the amount of SO2 emissions. Our calculations are carried out using the mass balance method, by determining the intensity of emissions by comparing the weight of SO2 emitted by the weight of the product produced. Based on the results of the calculation of SO2 emission levels, which have also been published in the 2021 Sustainability Report, PT Vale has met the quality standard threshold of 0.80 tons SO2/ton Ni.