Photographer: Germano Assunção
Photographer: 9D Studio 

Advance payments can be requested by InoveCapital 

In this environment, suppliers will be able to view their invoices and request from participating financial institutions the advance payment of invoices to assist in the delivery of goods or services contracted by Vale.


  • arger offer of lines of credit 

  • Simplicity and agility in obtaining funds 

  • Strengthening the company's working capital 

  • Reduction in interest rates, stimulated by competition between multiple financial institutions

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Registration on the portal is free, and in a few steps, suppliers will be able to see their invoices, simulate and contract the anticipation, without bureaucracy and with total security and autonomy.

Photographer: Calebe Nogueira

Questions? Our team of experts will help you:

48 2106 5698 - extension number 5718

News for suppliers

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