Young people play drums and smile, as if they were singing. At the back there is a fabric printed with the colors blue, red, yellow, and green. Young people play drums and smile, as if they were singing. At the back there is a fabric printed with the colors blue, red, yellow, and green.
A woman plays the guitar, while smiling for the camera.
Photographer: Marcelo Coelho
You can see several young women playing drums and singing.
Photographer: Daniel Mansur / Studio Pixel

Vale believes that living the culture makes it possible for people to expand their knowledge, their vision of the world and create new perspectives for the future.

In this regard, for more than two decades the company has invested in and fostered the multiple Brazilian cultural manifestations. In 2020, the Vale Cultural Institute was created with the purpose of enhancing Vale's role in culture, valuing heritage, democratizing access, and promoting artistic expressions. 


Vale believes in the transforming power of culture and knowledge. Therefore, with its own funds and through the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, it sponsors technical-scientific and cultural initiatives, in addition to promoting public notices and training new bidders and cultural agents. 

Theater performance on a dark stage with blue lights. There are several children sitting on the stage, all dressed in green and yellow.

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Vale Cultural Institute

The recognition of culture as a means of transformation led Vale to create the Vale Cultural Institute.

Its performance - in museums and cultural centers of its own, in the preservation and enhancement of material and immaterial heritage and in the multiple artistic manifestations that it carries out or promotes - is supported by the vision that culture is capable of generating a positive impact on people's lives and building a legacy for future generations. 
Photo taken from above of a musician playing the trumpet. He is wearing a white shirt and the floor is wooden. Photo taken from above of a musician playing the trumpet. He is wearing a white shirt and the floor is wooden. Photo: Instituto Cultural Vale

Vale Música program

Vale Música music and the many encounters and learning that it provides.

The program is a collaborative teaching and learning network between students from music centers in four states - Pará, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul - and professionals from the largest orchestras in the country. Overall, it involves about 250 professionals and more than 1,000 students in exchanges, classes, master classes, artistic residencies and presentations inside and outside the country.  

Partners of the Vale Música Program are the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra (OSB), the Ouro Preto Orchestra, the Minas Gerais Philharmonic Orchestra, the São Paulo State Symphony Orchestra (Osesp) and the Nova Orquestra, sponsored through the Federal Incentive Law the culture.

Orchestra dressed in black. You can see three women, all playing the cello, and a sign that reads "Vale Music Program".

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Museums and Cultural Centers

Vale’s Cultural Institute  brings together four museums and cultural centers in the states where we operate.  They are spaces open to the public, with free visitation, working with schools and social organizations, their own identity and vocation, built for and with the communities of the territories of which they are part. 

Night shot of the side entrance of the Vale Museum. The place is a large building with old architecture and has lights illuminating the beige facade.

Vale Museum - ES

Created to preserve the history of the construction of the Vitória a Minas Railroad, the Vale Museum combines culture and education by promoting contemporary art shows and educational activities to integrate the community and form new audiences.
Night shot of the Vale Maranhão Cultural Center. The architecture is reminiscent of an old mansion, full of doors, windows, and balconies. The walls are light green.

Vale Maranhão Cultural Center - MA

Diversity and freedom: expanding access to cultural activities and goods, providing environments for exchange, creation and training that are diverse and for everyone.
Photo taken from the bottom up of the Vale Memorial. You can see part of the facade, with about six windows and a flowering tree in front.

Memorial Minas Gerais Vale - MG

Its vocation is to value the history and traditions of Minas Gerais, its artistic manifestations and contemporary expressions, proposing the exchange between past and present and reflection on the future. 
Music room with several guitars hanging on the wall. In the center, there are several children sitting in circles paying attention to a gesticulating woman.

Casa da Cultura de Canaã dos Carajás - PA 

It plays the role of maintaining and recording the historical collection of the municipality and cultural diffuser in the region, promoting cultural activities, artistic training projects in different languages, such as classical ballet, singing, guitar, recorder, children's musicalization and traditional percussion from Pará. 
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