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Dams, Reparation

Vale discloses helpline numbers to return the rescued animals to their owners

The list of rescued animals with a photograph and description of each animal is now available on Vale's website

​Large and small-sized domestic animals affected by the Brumadinho dam breach are being assisted in the Córrego do Feijão Veterinary Hospital and the Animal Shelter Farm located near the city of Brumadinho.

Vale has set up these structures exclusively to provide emergency assistance and treatment to the affected animals until they are ready to return to their owners. The Veterinary Hospital is equipped for hospitalization and emergency surgeries. The Shelter Farm comprises a first aid station and a specific structure to shelter the animals. Approximately 300 animals received veterinary care in these structures set up by Vale.

The list containing the photo of all animals currently sheltered by Vale is available on Once the ownership is confirmed, animals will be discharged by the veterinarians and will be returned to their owners. If you have lost an animal, please contact us by phone and WhatsApp via Hello Animal (31 99745-7906), or via Service Center at 0800 031 0831.

On the page, you can access the list of rescued animals, including a photograph and description of each animal

Animal Rescue
There are approximately 170 professionals on the field tracking, rescuing, monitoring and assisting both domestic and wild species. Of these, 20 are Vale employees and 150 are third-party professionals. The teams are receiving technical consulting and veterinary support from volunteers from the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine (CRMV) and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

In addition to the Córrego do Feijão Veterinary Hospital and the Animal Shelter Farm, Vale is also receiving support from veterinary hospitals and clinics in Belo Horizonte.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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Our commitment to repairing the communities and people impacted by the B1 dam failure is constant. See the social, environmental and safety actions taken by Vale. 
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