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Brumadinho: Overview of measures taken until 3/15

Humanitarian actions

From the first moments after the breach of Dam I, at the Córrego do Feijão Mine, in Brumadinho (MG), Vale has given its full support to those affected and their families. Humanitarian assistance includes, among other actions, the reception with psychological and social support, including, emergency medical care; accommodation in hotels, hostels and provisional housing; and a supply of food, personal hygiene items and essentials, medicines, clothing and transportation. Learn more about the latest information regarding the measures taken by Vale in the region:
Donations to those affected by the breach of Dam I in Brumadinho, include:
. Donations of R$ 100,000 for each affected family that has lost a member due to the breach: 267 payments made;
. Donations of R$ 50 thousand, per property, to those who resided in the Self-Rescue Zone: 90 payments made;
. Donations of R$ 15 thousand to those who had their business affected (previous registration); 52 payments made;
It should be noted that the value of the donation is accumulative, if the same person falls into more than one category among those defined: residence, farming activity or commercial establishment, then the amounts are accumulative.
. R$ 236 million used to purchase medicines, water, equipment and on various logistical costs;
. R$ 2.6 million transferred to the Municipality of Brumadinho to purchase emergency equipment and hire professionals in the health and psychosocial areas, with the objective of increasing the municipality's humanitarian aid to those affected;
. R$ 6.5 million invested in state-of-the-art equipment for the Instituto Médico Legal (IML) in Belo Horizonte;
. More than 1,400 professionals working in 12 service stations in Brumadinho, Belo Horizonte, Nova Lima and Itabiritos;
. More than 6 thousand medical and psychological consultations held;
. More than 45 thousand pharmaceutical items purchased;
. More than 30 million liters of water for human consumption, animal and agricultural irrigation were distributed to 20 municipalities;
. 10 hospitals and health units mobilized to attend those affected;
. 239 accommodations units made available;

. 65 points for the daily collection of water and sediment along the Paraopeba River, Três Marias reservoir and the São Francisco River;
. A makeshift hospital and a wildlife shelter;
. 430 animals rescued;
. 78 fish rescued;
. 187 professionals (veterinarians, biologists and technicians) working to rescue the local fauna.
Regarding the relocations

The reallocated lists are reviewed daily for possible duplication, removal of persons residing outside the ZAS or the addition of new people recognized as impacted by the B1 breach in Brumadinho or residents of the ZAS of the B3 / B4 dams, Vargem Grande, Forquilhas l,ll,ll and Grupo.
The homeless, up to March 14, 2019 is:
- Brumadinho: 272 people allocated to temporary housing, hotels, inns or with friends and relatives.
- Barão de Cocais (Sul Superior Dam of the Gongo Soco Mine): 454 people allocated to temporary dwellings, hotels, inns or with friends and relatives.
- Mocacos (Dam B3 / B4 of Mar Azul Mine): 189 people in hotels and inns.
- Nova Lima (Vargem Grande Dam in Vargem Grande): 32 people in hotels
- Ouro Preto (Forquilas Dams l, ll e lll and Grupo at the Fábrica Mine): 4 people in a guesthouse.
Vale reiterates that it continues to provide all necessary assistance and support to the resident families of the ZAS, until the situation is completely normalized.
Situation of residents of Macacos

Vale informed, at a meeting held on Tuesday (12/3) at the Minas Gerais Public Prosecutor's Office (MPMG), in Nova Lima that about 80 people from the Macacos community, who have been put into temporary accommodation by Vale in hotels, and who do not reside in the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) of the B3 / B4 dam of the Mar Azul Mine, can return to their homes. The company will offer housing until March 17, so they have enough time to schedule their return. The company stresses that, out of respect for these people, who were outside of the ZAS but also decided to leave their homes because they feel insecure, these families were put in hotels and inns and offered all the necessary support.

The other residents who lived in the ZAS of Dam B3/B4 (approximately one hundred people) will stay in hotels and inns in the region. The company will offer temporary housing to these families. In addition, Vale is working to provide compensation to people who have suffered damages as a result of the breach and the resulting evacuation.

It is important to emphasize that Vale has maintained permanent contact with the evacuated people, the community of Macacos, the Public Prosecution, Civil Defense, City Hall of Nova Lima, Military Police, Public Defender of Minas Gerais and several other governmental body's involved in the process, striving to understand and issues and, if necessary, resolve them quickly and always in agreement with all interested parties.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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Our commitment to repairing the communities and people impacted by the B1 dam failure is constant. See the social, environmental and safety actions taken by Vale. 
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