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We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together. This is the purpose that has guided our daily work: transforming the mining industry and being part of building a new tomorrow. After all, Vale knows that its role goes far beyond mining.

And this is a work done by many hands committed to a better future. A future focused on people, sustainable development, culture, diversity and innovation.

We Transform Together and on this page you will learn more about the results of this work from the testimonials of the protagonists of these stories. Press play!


With an eye on the future, we work in the present to make mining more sustainable. In these episodes, you will learn about some of our initiatives encouraged in the use of clean and renewable energy. Find out what it's like to be part of the Sol do Cerrado Project and the emotion of being a driver in a 100% electric locomotive for the first time!
The driver and the first 100% electric locomotive
The energy of women and the sun of the cerrado

Currently, Vale helps to protect around 1 million hectares of forests in the world. In 2019, we announced the commitment to recover and protect an additional 500,000 hectares of forests by 2030, strengthening our commitment to society and sustainable development.

Episode 1 - The man who measured 1 million trees
Episode 2 – The Biologist and the DNA of the Forest
Episode 3 - The Businesswoman and the Amazon Bioeconomy
The maestro and the transformation through music
We believe in culture as a powerful tool for social transformation, capable of generating a positive impact that can be reverberated for generations. The maestro of Orquestra Vale Música in Pará, Brazil, Renan Cardoso, is a great example of this. Renan, who joined Vale Música as a student at the age of 8, today has his profession in art and works on the project helping young people, as he once was, to find and follow their own path. Watch the first episode of the series “Transform Together” about Vale Cultural Institute.
Episode 1 - The man who measured 1 million trees
Episode 2 – The Biologist and the DNA of the Forest
Episode 3 - The Businesswoman and the Amazon Bioeconomy
The teacher and the rescue of historical heritage
Preserving history is part of building a better future. In Ouro Preto, a historic municipality in Minas Gerais, teacher Reinaldo Urzedo takes this and many other lessons learned to the students of the Escola de Ofícios Tradicionais de Mariana, one of the projects supported by Vale Cultural Institute in Brazil. Through masonry classes, the art of molding stones to insert into buildings, Reinaldo teaches his students the importance of historical memory and helps to train professionals capable of conserving the rich architectural heritage of Minas Gerais.
The curator and the encouragement of popular culture
In Maranhão, Brazil, culture pulsates in every corner. Far beyond the Historic Center of São Luís, the most beautiful artistic and cultural manifestations are spread among the peripheries. In this scenario, the work of Deyla Rabelo, assistant director of the Vale Cultural Center Maranhão, is to help to make these manifestations known and valued, so that people recognize the art of Maranhão – and who builds it – through other perspectives


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