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The nature and our business

We recognize that Vale's business is highly dependent on and has a significant impact on nature. Nature provides and maintains essential services for the company's operations, such as water supply and climate regulation. Our operations also affect these services through changes in land use and vegetation composition, interference with watercourses and more. Therefore, understanding our business as part of nature and integrating our operations with its various components (biodiversity, water, climate, communities) is essential to the long-term sustainability of our operations. 

With this integrated perspective, we aim to become a global reference in practices that minimize negative impacts and promote positive outcomes for nature and people. 

This ambition has been developed through a collaborative process involving internal and external stakeholders, with biodiversity as a central theme that intersects with all other aspects of nature. To achieve this, we will work towards the following goals: 

Make nature an essential aspect of our governance, management and decision-making
Strengthen biodiversity management in our processes and value chain, assessing impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities.  
Promote a positive legacy through restoration and conservation, strengthening partnerships with civil society organizations, traditional communities, and Indigenous Peoples.  
Invest in innovation, co-production and sharing of technical and scientific knowledge, including and valuing traditional knowledge.   
Promote the dissemination of knowledge, actions and results as a source of dialogue and engagement with diverse stakeholders.  
Influence transformative external agendas that contribute to positive outcomes for nature (advocacy).  
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Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

Goals and commitments 

In 2019, Vale launched its 2030 Agenda, setting goals related to reducing pressures on nature, reducing our emissions, reducing the use of new water sources and seeking positive results beyond impact management.  

These goals include the Forest Goal - to restore and protect 500,000 hectares beyond our fencelines - and the Water Goal - to achieve an additional 7% reduction in our specific water consumption by 2030. These are voluntary commitments that go beyond our legal obligations and borders and aim to balance economic development with environmental protection and the well-being of the communities in which we operate. 

Read more about Governance and Risk management

Environmental Efficiency 

In order to reduce and manage potential operational deviations with environmental impact on certain production processes, Vale has been implementing a tool called a Service Level Agreement (SLA).

This tool is an important management and communication process between the various operational and environmental areas, with a focus on identifying and solving problems, defining operational limits and KPIs, and implementing operational improvements and optimizations throughout the processes, in addition to implementing operational environmental controls.

In addition to continuously improving the management of environmental controls (mitigation), we focus on optimizing the production process so that it generates less environmental impact (prevention). Currently, 80% of Vale's global operations are ISO 14.001 certified.

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Audit and Internal Evaluation Processes of Vale’s Management Model – VPS

The VPS (Vale Production System) is Vale’s Management Model. With a focus on results, it foresees the deep and comprehensive implementation of policies and practices to enable safe and environmentally responsible operations and ensure the integrity of assets. It is composed of three dimensions: Leadership, Technical, and Management.​ 

This is the path we follow to become an increasingly safe, sustainable, reliable, and productive company. An essential part of this system involves health, safety, environment, and risk processes, in compliance with ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.​ 

These processes are subjected to VPS Self-Assessments and Integrated Evaluations, which allow the identification of key challenges and the assessment of the maturity evolution of the management model. Additionally, internal and external audits of the Environmental Management System (EMS), according to ISO 14001, are conducted annually to verify if the units comply with the standard’s requirements and the company’s sustainability policy.​ 

The main objective of these audits and evaluations is to ensure the effectiveness of the VPS, identify improvement opportunities, open non-conformities when necessary, monitor the achievement of objectives, and ensure the implementation of structured plans for evolution.​ 

Vale’s environmental management strategy considers the risks and impacts of the production process, seeking to minimize the socio-environmental impacts of operations and respond to stakeholder demands. We also consider best practices, standards, and international references, such as ISO 14001:2015, with which we achieved a historic milestone by having, for the first time, 100% of our ferrous operational units certified. Currently, 80% of Vale’s global operations are ISO 14001 certified.​ 

Climate Change 

Read more about each of the topics related to Nature at Vale: 

Climate Change 

It is important to note that climate issues are also cross-cutting, affecting not only environmental issues but also social issues, such as the adaptation of local communities for a just transition and are covered under Climate. This includes managing directly related issues such as the organization's energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.