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Vale Updates on Humanitarian Aid and Recovery Actions until 3/21

Humanitarian Actions

Vale has been undertaking all efforts to support the people affected in Brumadinho (Minas Gerais), since the early hours of the breach of Dam 1 at the Córrego do Feijão mine, on January 25. The humanitarian assistance includes psychological and social support and emergency medical care; accommodation in hotels, hostels and provisional housing; and supply of food, personal hygiene items and essentials, medicines, clothing and transportation. Check out the latest data about the measures taken by Vale in the region until 21/3:

Donations for the people affected by the breach of Dam I in Brumadinho:

- R$100,000.00 donation for the families of each victim of the dam breach; 269 payments made;
- R$50,000.00 donation, per residence, for those who resided in the Self-Rescue Zone: 91 payments made;
- R$15,000.00 donation for those who had their business activities affected (early registration); 68 payments made.

It is worth noting that donations can be cumulative if the person fits in more than one of the established categories: residence, rural productive activity or commercial activity.
Other actions
- R$5,000.00 donation for each family residing in the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) of the Sul Superior dam at the Gongo Soco mine, in Barão de Cocais: 146 payments made;
- R$270 million allocated for acquisition of medicines, water, equipment and other logistics costs;
- R$2.6 million allocated to the City Government of Brumadinho for purchase of emergency equipment and hiring of healthcare professionals and psychological and social assistants, with the aim of improving the humanitarian aid in the affected municipalities;
- R$20 million set aside for the Military Fire Service of Minas Gerais, for equipment purchase, infrastructure improvements and professional training.
- Approximately 400 professionals currently working in five help centers set up to assist the victims, in Brumadinho, Nova Lima and Barão de Cocais;
- More than 6,800 medical and psychological consultations;
- More than 46,000 pharmacy items purchased;
- More than 38 million liters of water for human and animal consumption and agricultural irrigation distributed to 19 cities;
- 10 hospitals and health units mobilized to assist the affected people;
- 208 accommodations arranged;
- Daily collection of water and sediments in 65 different points between the Paraopeba river, the Três Marias reservoir and the São Francisco river;
- One hospital and one shelter to assist and accommodate the animals;
- 468 animals rescued;
- 79 fish rescued;
- 190 professionals (among veterinarians, biologists and technicians) dedicated to rescuing the local fauna.

Regarding the relocations related to Brumadinho and other dams
The reallocated lists are reviewed daily for possible duplication, removal of persons residing outside the ZAS or the addition of new people recognized as affected by the B1 breach in Brumadinho or residents of the ZAS of the B3/B4, Vargem Grande, Forquilhas l, ll, lIl and Grupo dams and the PCH Mello plant.
The total number of relocated, up to March 21, 2019 is:

- Brumadinho: 265 people allocated to temporary housing, hotels, inns or with friends and relatives;
- Barão de Cocais (Sul Superior Dam at the Gongo Soco Mine): 442 people allocated to temporary dwellings, hotels, inns or with friends and relatives;
- Macacos (Dam B3/B4 at the Mar Azul Mine): 201 people in hotels and inns;
- Nova Lima (Vargem Grande dam at the Vargem Grande mine): 27 people in hotels;
- Ouro Preto (Forquilhas l, ll and lll and Grupo dams at the Fábrica mine): Four people in a guesthouse;
- Rio Preto (PCH Mello): Four people in a guesthouse.

Vale reiterates that it continues to provide all necessary assistance and support to the families until the situation stabilizes.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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Our commitment to repairing the communities and people impacted by the B1 dam failure is constant. See the social, environmental and safety actions taken by Vale. 
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