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Vale informs on Viga operations

Vale informs that it suspended, in the night of September 24th, the disposal of tailings and the execution of works at the B7 dam, located in the municipality of Jeceaba, MG, in compliance with the decision by the judge of the Court of Entre Rios de Minas district regarding the Public Civil Action filed by the municipality of Jeceaba. As a result of this decision, the operations of the Viga concentration plant, located in the municipality of Congonhas, MG, were also suspended, while the activities at the Viga mine remain unchanged.

The estimated impact of the temporary stoppage of Viga operations is of approximately 11 thousand tons of iron ore fines per day. Vale reinforces that the Viga operational unit fulfills the necessary requirements for the issuance of the B7 dam operating permit and that, for this reason, it will contest the court decision.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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