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Vale informs on the English contribution claim

Vale informs that, on this date, a court decision handed down by the English court in London (Business and Property Courts Of England And Wales) was disclosed, in which it rejected the Company’s request questioning the competence of the Court’s jurisdiction English about Vale. Vale's request was made in the context of the contribution claim filed by BHP Group Limited against Vale on December 2, 2022, in which BHP requests the sharing of any reflection in a class action filed against BHP in England, for alleged damages caused by the Fundao dam collapse in Mariana, as informed by Vale in the press release dated December 2, 2022 (available here).

The company and its legal advisors will carefully consider the elements of the decision and present the appropriate measures in the process. Vale reaffirms its commitment to repairing the damage caused by the Fundão dam collapse, under the terms of the “TTAC” and “TAC Governança”, agreements entered into with the Brazilian authorities for this purpose.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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